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Joined 25 May 2008
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16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
I need help to choose render colours

You're welcome. How far along are you with your building, I do remember your 'name' but don't remember the details! As far as the windows go, I don't think…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
I need help to choose render colours

Hi Mozzi, I chose white as was originally going to go with black and then considered how that might look internally so went with 'can't go wrong, classic white'!!! …

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) & First Home Bonus (FHB) -

Hi GinaUK yes I had already clarified what I meant see previous posting, my wording was not the best and realised after how it could have been read. Glad to…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) & First Home Bonus (FHB) -

Yes you can apply direct but you are not eligible for the extra $14K boost if you signed the contract with your builder before October (believe the exact date was…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
I need help to choose render colours

Hi KF, if it makes you feel any better I had to choose render for our entire exterior (large single storey house with portico) that was just finished being built…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) & First Home Bonus (FHB) -

People may be interested to know that if they apply direct to revenue department and not through an agent for new builds that they are only eligible for the top…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kylie, no worries, re the glass it's called translucent laminate - bizarre name for glass I know but that's what it is and it looks opaque and totally smooth......Bet…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Crissy & Kylie, just thought I'd mention to you that with Perrys you can also have the option of translucent laminate glass - when I had to choose our…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weird my smilies never showed up! It was the clapping one and dancing one!!!! :: :z:

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hiya Kylie, congrats on the progress of the house, just been catching up on your thread, it's looking great. Did laugh when I read about you crying when seeing the…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Is anyone building with PERRY HOMES in QLD or Northern NSW??

Hiya Kylie, my goodness you've been a busy girl posting, now a bronze member eh!! :wink: Yes it's been a while and I will eventually…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Is anyone building with PERRY HOMES in QLD or Northern NSW??

Hi been ages since I last posted been hectic sorting things. Just a quick reply to Annelies, yes Tweed Heads is their head office and everything goes through them. You…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Is anyone building with PERRY HOMES in QLD or Northern NSW??

Hi Kylie, pleased to hear things progressing for you, long time no hear!!
We fly out to Oz tomorrow and are having our walkthrough 3pm Friday handover is confirmed for Tues…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Temporary Window Coverings

They look great, I'm definitely heading to Bunnings when we get back next week - just got to check those sizings and make sure they'll fit it's a great cheap…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Temporary Window Coverings

Fantastic thread. Can you get the blackout ones as advertised on the redi shade website in Bunnings or is it just the light weight white/pale colours as I'm guessing these…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
We're coming to the end of the journey!!!

AM it's the one near Landsborough and thanks for the advice as always :wink: Hope you're still happy with your aircon system, Brendan is doing…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
We're coming to the end of the journey!!!

It's been a while since I posted because it's been insanely busy time. We have now booked our flights to return for our walk through on 19 December and completion…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Is anyone building with PERRY HOMES in QLD or Northern NSW??

Firstly Shy, welcome to the forum and god do I ever know how you feel! Do a search on Perrys here and you'll find other tales of woe and frustrations…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Does anyone know a good builder in the Sunshine Coast

A search will certainly bring you loads of reading material, particularly Brad Mac. I don't think there is such a thing as the 'perfect builder' all seem to have issues,…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
What type of roof would you choose - Tile or Colorbond???

I like both but Colourbond was an extra $7000 so we stuck with tiles as we didn't feel strongly enough to stump up $7k when we could spend it elsewhere!

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Walk through inspection

OK this might help did a google and hit some info albeit from an American sight but it's a starting point....... am pasting the lot below. Hope that helps Mr…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Walk through inspection

Anyone got any personal experiences with this one - it's a really good topic and if you haven't got time to read through the book via the link which I'm…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Second thoughts about roof tiles advice needed please!

Hi Kylie, I say go with what YOU like and your gut, don't worry about what the neighbours have it's how you feel, it's your home and you have to…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our landscaping adventure....

Thanks for letting me know re driveway. Your garden will come together before you know it, at least you're in your beautiful house, even when ours is finished I have…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Is anyone building with PERRY HOMES in QLD or Northern NSW??

Hi Yvette, good to hear you're happy with quality. When you talk about the contract I'm guessing you're talking about delays for completion? If so how long were they over…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh a p.s. I forgot to add is I'm a great believer in single vanity in the ensuite - a double vanity just means double the amount of cleaning

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kylie, Firstly the plan looks fantastic and I laughed when I read your comments about your man's help with colour selection - I think that is the standard when…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
How long does it take to build?

Depends on the builder. Our start date was supposed to be end of June according to our contract (building with Perrys) and the slab was only poured this week and…

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Is anyone building with PERRY HOMES in QLD or Northern NSW??

It does, well done have flicked you off a quick reply, but running out door now so will touch base later :lol:

16 years16 yearsbrisvegasbrisvegas posted:
Our house with Perry Homes heaps of photos 9/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kylie, congrats on posting the pics, looks fantastic. Just a quick question as am running out the door, your main floor tile looks a lot like Calvia Beige 99166…

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