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821 Posts
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Joined 15 January 2014
Gold Member
8 years8 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Alkimos Beach(WA) - Summit Homes -PCI Booked

Looks awesome Cranzy! That master/ensuite is going to come up magic when its all finished!

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
KEYYYSSS!! 14/10/15 ~ First Home, Alkimos WA

I've got the same issue Dream Catcher but not to that extent. Its very close to the top of my maintenance list!

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Thanks OHB!
Haha yeah the white light globes probably don't help but yes its definitely bright and needs rectifying!
Walls are Dulux Lexicon, though I reckon its a bit too white. Wanted…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Alkimos Beach(WA) - Summit Homes -PCI Booked

Hi Cranzy,
Posting to follow! I moved into my place in Alkimos Beach around 6 months ago! :D
I know where your build is and will keep…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Haha too fast OHB! Wrote the post on work computer, then had to go into my phone to add the photos :)

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Hi all!
Been a while since I checked in, not even sure how many of my followers even still check in here? For those that do, I thought I'd post an…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

I FINALLY managed to get back and go through some of your photos!
Loving your $50 shutters! I remember when you first bought them and how much of a ridiculous…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:

Following! Very similar to what I want to achieve. This looks magic!

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
HAND OVER COMPLETED 24/11/2015 Alkimos WA, Trinity(atelier v

LD Total for the landscape package?
Your time at Alkimos Beach should have given you an idea of what to expect... and yep as Huggy_B said its not great

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

I've got lots of catching up to do it seems :)

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

CONGRATS on keys Mal! None of your pics will load due to silly work computer restrictions but I'll be sure to jump on another computer and have a browse soon…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Trixee's Passive Solar Build Perth

Oh and CONGRATS on getting keys and moving in of course! :P Feels like the second half of the build went through very quickly?

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Trixee's Passive Solar Build Perth

Trixee that kitchen and ensuite!!! Loveeee!!

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Sucks to hear Mal! So bummed for you! :(
This is seemingly becoming a recurring issue around the industry, am I not mistaken? Seems lots of houses…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Living the dream:

Considered mounting the TV higher but due to its sheer size, much higher and you'd be looking up too much to see the top of the screen. Right…

Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!
9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Haha hi guys!
Sorry haven't been on here a great deal lately!
To be completely honest not much has happened at home. Used a lot of my budget getting established and now…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

FINALLY archetto! So excited for you! Enjoy Christmas in your brand new home :D :D :D

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

WOW archetto! Keys?! Finally! That's so awesome, I hope handover goes smoothly for you!!

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
HAND OVER COMPLETED 24/11/2015 Alkimos WA, Trinity(atelier v

Wow congrats MrsTerry! I guess this means you're leaving us Alkimos Beach-ians for brighter pastures hey?! If I head out on my ride this arvo I'll roll past the front…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

PCI DATE! What?! Wow finally! Stoked for you, though bummed about your recent mishaps :( Go to town at inspection :)

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
HAND OVER COMPLETED 24/11/2015 Alkimos WA, Trinity(atelier v

Wow big progress MrsTerry, so awesome to see! Every time I ride through your area I keep an eye out for the house but am yet to come across it…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Trixee's Passive Solar Build Perth

OMG I never thought I could appreciate tiles and pattern/textured ones until now! Every area looks incredible, especially that ensuite! Amazing!!

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
HAND OVER COMPLETED 24/11/2015 Alkimos WA, Trinity(atelier v

Looks great MrsTerry! All happening for you! :)

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
HAND OVER COMPLETED 24/11/2015 Alkimos WA, Trinity(atelier v

Congrats on the baby boy! :) :) :) :) :)

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9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Bummer archetto :( Loving your tile choices though and that feature tile will look much better once it is rectified!

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Re: Building in Aveley - Living, one year on...

Congrats Hootie! Stoked that there's not much to do! :)

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Can pretty much guarantee you that it will look even better in real life than in the photos. Take it from someone who still thoroughly enjoys their french black tops,…

9 years9 yearsBS12BS12 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Thanks Justin yeah I had to put that up! :) Even retired half my collection and left them at my parents house haha!
It's awesome hey I'm…

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15 January 2014

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