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Joined 19 November 2012
Bronze Member
12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Bobcat is here now doing your earthworks kat :-)

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Oh gosh Leanne I have no idea! We didn't choose any of the plants, we are so not green. We just left it up to the landscaper. He is coming…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Kat you have a toilet on your block now :-)
We have finished our rear garden and also paid those guys to put a few more plants…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Boo, that sucks working over Easter! Knock on the door when you come!

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

We are in and settled and LOVE IT. So so happy with the house. Fences should be done next week as well as a start on the front and rear…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Thanks everyone!
Enelya I could totally lay on those floors all night. They are divine. They are so solid and absorb the sound so well. DH loves that they are wide…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Thanks AC. I couldn't be happier. I love it all. Really can't believe that's MY house, it's so nice! It's such a huge step from our first and I feel…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Alaskan cupboards and stipple seal pantry

Essastone sorbet

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

More pics
Splash back tile
Tile again

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Ah ok! Well if you see me there come over! I've got the blue Camry with Thermomix and my phone number on the rear windscreen :-)

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

They're like a blue with a grey line through them. They're really nice hey! Again, hubby chose them haha. I'll take a pic a bit closer for you guys when…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

We will see you at the street party, AC. Not sure what time we'll get there, probably around 12 ish.
It'll be ok Katt, I'm sure they'll be fine. We…

Blueprint build in Brabham, WA
12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Ah what a shame! If you're up there tomorrow let me know, I'll be there prob around 3:30ish
Here's another one of the kitchen I found on my phone

The walls…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Nah same here and I only ever really use the iPhone so it must be something to do with that.
Are you guys all going to the street party?

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Mel which house are you in? Every time I drive in I wonder which one it is.
Kat did you get my pm? It kept saying user doesn't exist or…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Finally I have some pics!
We move in on Thursday.

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

Nah just since the supervisor left. She's there all the time, checking up and seeing what's happening. She's not at plate height yet and her slab went down a month…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

I heard he quit, AC. Lady opposite us has had nothing but problems and delays.

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

Oh that sounds good. We move in next Thursday :-)

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

DH is the building supervisor, that's why I have keys :-)
Planning on moving in 22 march. I usually go after school drop off, around 9:10am and…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

Mel I have the keys to my house so if you ever see a blue Camry out the front that's me! That goes for anyone, come and say hi! If…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

Lol no not to keep nosey neighbours out! I love it when people see the house, I like knowing what they think. It's just to keep this hot sun off…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
First timers building in Whiteman Edge

We were up there yesterday too. Our cabinets have all gone in and the tiler has started. Kitchen looks great but overheads are wrong so they're being ripped out and…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Avonlee Henley Brook Perth

I wouldn't risk it, Keifer. If they're the sort of people who will steal, they're probab;y not the sort you want to confront at 3am. Not worth the risk…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Avonlee Henley Brook Perth

No as far as DH and the other supervisors could tell it was just those there streets, like thy went in an up down up down pattern on those roads.…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Avonlee Henley Brook Perth

hahaha! Dh reckons they sell them to salvage yards.

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Avonlee Henley Brook Perth

17 houses in Whiteman Edge had their water meters stolen last night - Heaton Road, Livonia and Fairmount Roads. Would have taken some time to do that! They also…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

I know!! It's exciting, I went there this afternoon after thermomix consultant training and wanted to take pics but my phone had no power from the kids playing Candy Crush…

12 years12 yearsbusybusybusybusy posted:
Blueprint build in Brabham, WA

Go for it!! Let me know what you think :-)

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