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372 Posts
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Joined 12 May 2009
Gold Member
13 years13 yearscameliacamelia posted:
obscure glazed windows

Thankyou very much Ed for your information. The council has stipulated only 1.6m

13 years13 yearscameliacamelia posted:
obscure glazed windows

Thanks Aussie, what are 'r' codes?
If the average eye height for an australian male is 1.7 (average height of males= 1.8 m) then 1.6 m is inadequate.

13 years13 yearscameliacamelia posted:
obscure glazed windows

Hi, does anyone know the existing standards for obscure glass and eye height? This is to provide privacy from windows at first floor level overlooking adjacent properties.

13 years13 yearscameliacamelia posted:
where to sharpen garden tools

Thanks Bashworth,
I was looking at angle grinders in Aldi on saturday (25$) there was some diamond grinding discs for another 6 dolllars.
Not sure how to grind it though.

13 years13 yearscameliacamelia posted:
where to sharpen garden tools

Does anyone know where I can get garden tools sharpened?
I have a massive tree stump that I'm trying to chop up but it has blunted my axe. The wood…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Roof Repairs

Yes, I am still looking to have the roof repaired but have to get the funds together

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
cost of rebuilding a house

I am faced with the task of renewing my home building insurance and wondered what the approximate costs of replacing a 3 bedroom, double brick house without a garage and…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Cost to install extra gas connection?

plumbers are expensive and generally they don't like little jobs unless you give them cash. That said you may find someone willing to do the job for a reasonable price…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
boundary access laws

Does anyone know what the law says regarding access to do house maintenance?
My neighbour and I have a shared boundary (my wall of the house forms part of the…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Best product for sealing an asbestos fence.

Hi Avion,
I can't understand why your neighbour doesn't want the fence removed especially as you've offered to cover the expense...I reckon if you just went ahead and did it…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Emerclad exterior paint

Thanks Grinder,
I did find 'Emerclad's' Product data sheet. It is useful knowledge but as business often goes...they will usually attempt to "talk-up" their own product a fair bit. …

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
waterproof paint

Hi Simon,
I have a south-facing wall at the side of my house that is constructed with villaboard. I know that villaboard is not waterproof only water-resistant...and under sustained wind-driven…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
laminated glass window suppliers

I'm guessing that not everyone on homeone lives in victoria and that some people must at some stage, bought or reviewed glass windows from suppliers? Is that right Ed?

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
waterproof paint

Thanks Bam, I've never heard of a powder and water mix! I would be interested to know what it is.
thanks, camelia

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
laminated glass window suppliers

Hi, I live in the inner west of sydney and I'm looking for a supplier of aluminium windows (laminated or double glazed. I need one about 800mm wide by approx…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
waterproof paint

Has anyone used "Emerclad" as an exterior waterproofing paint? If so, is it anygood? I was thinking of painting my house exterior with it (villaboard)
thanks for advice

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Emerclad exterior paint

Anyone used "Emerclad" as an exterior waterproofing paint? If so, is it anygood? I was thinking of painting my house exterior with it (villaboard)
thanks for advice

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Sarking on the Roof

There is a product known as 'roof blanket' by fletcher...it comes in a roll and is glass fibre 'wool' stuck to a backing of foil sarking.
Does anyone know if it…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
dead privet stump resurrection

Thanks Fu, I think I"ll be waiting a long time for the privet stump to grow as it's winter now.

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
dead privet stump resurrection

I was wondering if anyone could advise me about permanently deleting a noxious weed Privet tree stump. Almost two years ago I had the tree removed and the stumps…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Oil versus Acrylic paints

Thanks ozzyjack....I think the acrylic paints rust the paint tins at a greater rate than oil because they have a higher water content. Bare metal should be primed with an…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Oil versus Acrylic paints

Thanks Mech, that's interesting...lack of UV. does the yellowing fade with increased exposure to UV? I agree the oil paints are glossier.

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Oil versus Acrylic paints

Does anyone know if oil based gloss paints can be prevented from going a horrible dark yellow over time (18 months)? Is it better just to use acrylic gloss paints…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
raw timber window frame

Thanks chrisandkate, I tried a timber preservative with a copper napthenate solution...I'm advised by the hardware store that because it is in slightly oily solution that I will need to…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
sealing exterior window frame

the copper napthenate solution is in a light organic solvent...I saw something online called "spa-n-deck" for outdoor areas around pools etc. it's acrylic based. might be longer lasting than the…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
sealing exterior window frame

What sort of stain?please excuse my ignorance..I used an exterior marine grade estapol on my back door exposed to sun and rain and in 18 months it was peeling off...

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
sealing exterior window frame

Thanks Bashworth....I know the window isn't in contact with soil, however, it is subject to moisture and due to its location (semi-detached house therefore limited access on neighbours side) it's…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
sealing exterior window frame

I wonder if anyone could advise me about the best way to treat a timber window frame made from untreated pine. When the builder made the 600x600 frame to support…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
raw timber window frame

I wonder if anyone could advise me about the best way to treat a timber window frame made from untreated pine. When the builder made the 600x600 frame to support…

14 years14 yearscameliacamelia posted:
Leaking skylight

Thermal imaging...I wonder how it works? does it have to be done during rain when the leak is active? I'm guessing so

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