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Joined 5 March 2010
Gold Member
3 d3 dchippychippy posted:
Dismantle waterfall stone top cabinet for transport

Unfortunately you can't dismantle and then put it back together at the other end and expect it to be perfect.
The mitred waterfall ends are glued/epoxied and finished on site. If…

6 d6 dchippychippy posted:
How to clean/restore old brick

Pool chlorine and a detergent mixed in water. You apply it to the brick work, let it dwell for about 10 minutes and then use a high pressure water cleaner…

8 d8 dchippychippy posted:
Two Storey Builders in Perth (NOR)

In that price bracket if that's an all in turn key price I'd look at 101 residential.
There are a number of builders at that price point but I do know…

8 d8 dchippychippy posted:
Two Storey Builders in Perth (NOR)

All depends on budget.
There's a variety of options in the different price ranges

10 d10 dchippychippy posted:
Rendering internal brick walls

Hi mate.
Are you talking the whole house?
Any form of hard plastering isn't going to be a DIY type of job if you have never done it before.
Hard plaster is very…

30 d30 dchippychippy posted:
Kitchen reno - thoughts on quote? Qld

As a business owner there is nothing wrong with running a profitable business so absolutely no shade to the person who has given you the quote and he may know…

30 d30 dchippychippy posted:
Kitchen reno - thoughts on quote? Qld

There is a reasonable amount of hardware with drawers and pull outs, if that's what is being used for the pantries, and it's polyurethane so that all adds to the…

1 month1 monthchippychippy posted:
Kitchen reno - thoughts on quote? Qld

So no scullery and a straightforward L shape kitchen?
Does it include any appliances, sink or tapware?
How many drawers?
I'd maybe get another quote. Was this from a large type of kitchen…

1 month1 monthchippychippy posted:
Kitchen reno - thoughts on quote? Qld

That comment is slightly tongue in cheek as I have no idea how big the kitchen is.

1 month1 monthchippychippy posted:
Kitchen reno - thoughts on quote? Qld

That doesn't include appliances?
I need to charge more!

1 month1 monthchippychippy posted:
Cutting Blue Board Sheets

Any cement cutting blade or disk will work. The reason they sell specialised blades is to cut down on the dust produced. The circular saw blades only have 4 teeth…

1 month1 monthchippychippy posted:
LVL Installation

I'm on the wrong side of the country

1 month1 monthchippychippy posted:
LVL Installation

A big problem I can see is the connection of the ceiling joists to the new LVL beam.
That beam is designed so both lots of ceiling joists are supported by…

2 months2 monthschippychippy posted:
How to remove Sika?

You will normally need to remove as much as possible before you start using solvents.
How big is the area?
Razor blade scrappers that can remove as much as possible then try…

2 months2 monthschippychippy posted:
how to hide glue visible on glass

In that situation the glass doesn't really need to be glued down.
You can just use the small little clear cabinet door bumpers and lay the glass on top. It's enough…

  ⋅  1
2 months2 monthschippychippy posted:
Permanent window paint

My question around permanence was more around if you still want the ability to be able to reverse the process if required.
If you don't care then slightly sand the…

2 months2 monthschippychippy posted:
Permanent window paint

Permanent is different to tough. Wall paint is permanent but not particularly tough.
You gave minimal information so you got a basic answer.
Just about any paint sticks to glass

2 months2 monthschippychippy posted:
Permanent window paint

How permanent or tough does it need to be?
You don't need special paint if it's not going to be taking constant wear. Just regular acrylic house paint will work.

2 months2 monthschippychippy posted:
3 phase electric

I think a blackout is all 3 phases dropped out, where as a brown out is just a dropped phase or 2 meaning anything on the phase that is still…

3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
Restoring 1970's Aluminium vertical sliding windows

Welcome to the forum.
These are vertical sliding sash windows. Then you have fixed window sections. The sash is the sliding part.
The round plastic things that you can see are called…

  ⋅  1
3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
Spirit level

Why do you need the multi line version. What is the point of them.

3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
Spirit level

All my levels have a single line so unfortunately I can't help you. However I've got to ask why you need the additional lines. Is it to give you a…

3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
What makes cabinets good quality? What questions to ask?

If it's just getting painted with standard water based paint the doors should have been raw MDF rather than melamine. The paint would stick perfectly then as it would to…

  ⋅  1
3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
Australian vs European Plywood standards

What exactly do you need to know?
Plywoods are graded from A to D for their faces. A and B are generally high quality that would be used for furniture. Both…

3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
What makes cabinets good quality? What questions to ask?

Sounds like water based paint. If you are painting melamine you have to use the appropriate prep to get it to work. It's definitely a finish issue and not any…

  ⋅  1
3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
What makes cabinets good quality? What questions to ask?

Without seeing your doors, I'd suggest that is more an issue if paint quality than the use of MDF.
MR MDF is the superior substrate for 2 pack painted doors…

3 months3 monthschippychippy posted:
Major tile damage - kitchen, bathroom and laundry

Do you know what type of flooring is under the tiles?
It looks like it's the incorrect sub-flooring or installation in the first place that has caused the issues with the…

4 months4 monthschippychippy posted:
First time build: Custom narrow riverside home in WA

Pumping along nicely. You'll be in before Christmas at this rate.

4 months4 monthschippychippy posted:
Help with costing an owner builder project

Depends on what sort of loan you are after but here is some information I found from a quick search. You'll need to have a substantial deposit in place.
"The maximum…

4 months4 monthschippychippy posted:
Help with costing an owner builder project

I'm in Perth so don't have any recommendations for over east.
You will need to talk to lenders or brokers about exactly what is required. I've never had to borrow to…



Carpenter and Cabinet Maker specialising in home renovations

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