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Joined 27 May 2014
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6 years6 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
Sekisui | Burbank - Cedarwood1828

I recently put a small deck at the side of our house. It was only just off the existing ground level, so instead of putting posts down and then attaching…

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6 years6 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

At least they will only have to remove that one "crossover" section - up to the first sawcut. The rest of it can stay.
But goodness me, what next.... ? …

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

My understanding is that the actual angle of the sill depends on how high the window is above the previous normal row of bricks.
On our house we have a few…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

We left ours bare for a week or two whilst we decided what to do - in the end, went with carpet mainly for the noise dampening qualities - it…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Whilst it is never a good sign to hear about subbies going unpaid, in this case, it is quite likely that with the lack of a dedicated supervisor at your…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Well spotted ehhc! :-)
The_Joneses, I would suggest that you send a note to them asking for clarification on the their understanding of the start of…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

It does depend to an extent on the wording of your contract. Mine was different, but ehhc's for example allows for the "building period" to start when the builder actually…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

And when I say "you're welcome", I mean that the message I have received from you is welcomed.

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Haha, good try on the wordplay ehhc :-)
Based on those definitions, essentially what your Clause 12 is saying is:
1) The physical "works" themselves are to…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

I hate it when they do that. The sub clauses now contradict each other. On the one hand it says that the builder has to start within 20 days and…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
Sekisui | Burbank - Cedarwood1828

No problems ehhc - happy to help whilst I still remember how it all went down :-)
At some point these sorts of things that I…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Ok, yours might differ, but here's mine - see if you can find similar things in yours.
Clause 8.
8.1 The builder is to commence within 20 days of:
a) the builder receiving…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
Sekisui | Burbank - Cedarwood1828

Just having a quick flick through your thread (had previously "Watched" it, but just realised I wasn't receiving updates).
If I may make a couple of suggestions relating to this post…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Hi ehhc, similar answer that I have given above. You don't have to wait to be "given" the start date. You should be able to calculate it based on when…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Trimum - they tried to pull the same one on me (and another H1 member too). They claim that some internal document (the Authority to Commence Construction - ACC -…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

The_Joneses, that is actually quite a plausible explanation. If they planned to be on site, but couldn't due to weather then that is a reason for a delay. The only…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

No problems ehhc, glad to help :-)
Regarding changing the contract conditions, the contract presenter is right, you can't just turn up to the signing and…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

so 19.1 basically says that if the builder has to suspend works due to one of those reasons listed (basically something outside their control like adverse weather) then they get…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

On a theoretical level, you are in your rights to withhold if they haven't dotted all their i's and crossed all their t's etc etc.
On a practical level, unless you…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Go for it.
I won't bother to explain my clauses (they might be different, so what's the point) - I'll wait until you post yours and then give you my (hopefully…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

You just have to list the date on which you advised them that you were getting a report done and then the date on which you gave them the report…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Hi ehhc, our build was over (hence the liquidated damages we are owed) and why keeping track of days on site was important for us.
I started doing it anyway, as…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Ehhc, that's fine for them to use some rainfall chart - but they still need to show that they were caused a delay by the rain. If they had people…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR in Sydney - Sekisui Luzia 2

Definitely keep a rain diary, but also keep in mind that it can be difficult to work immediately following rain, even if the day is fine (depending on the nature…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

Don't worry too much about whether you get extra noggings in the correct place or not.
I have used plasterboard screws very successfully to hang heavy things like wall cabinets as…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

If timber is given a chance to completely dry out before it is covered, it's not so bad - but you have to make sure there are no spores left…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

Mold is not nice to live with. Even if it's covered over with something else.
I personally would be pushing for replacement of the moldy elements.

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

I should add - the other reason we just went with downlights throughout the lounge/dining area was that it wouldn't look odd if we decided to move the dining table…

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7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR Sekisui House - St George

My personal view is that too many pendants can make an area look a bit "foresty", especially if you have the dining right next to the island.
We went with pendants…

7 years7 yearsclintdbclintdb posted:
KDR with Sekisui House: post handover

Looks stunning Yvonne.
And perfect in the setting of your surroundings also.
Even better, it gives me extra ideas for our place :-)

  ⋅  1

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