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Joined 6 June 2018
Junior Member
8 months8 monthscobey61cobey61 posted:
Does this Bedroom + Ensuite Make any Sense?

I'm trying to squeeze a (queen) bedroom + ensuite into an odd-shaped space as part of a renovation. The external shape/dimensions of the space can't be changed in any way,…

Does this Bedroom + Ensuite Make any Sense?
9 months9 monthscobey61cobey61 posted:
Block or Object to Building Permit?

No, not yet. It’s currently being assessed by our building surveyor

9 months9 monthscobey61cobey61 posted:
Block or Object to Building Permit?

Thanks. So they’d need to go to court to get an injunction? That seems pretty unlikely and also expensive, so I’m not sure they’d do that.
Is there any other…

9 months9 monthscobey61cobey61 posted:
Block or Object to Building Permit?

We're planning a new build in Victoria and no planning permit (aka DA) is required. We've engaged a private (non-council) building surveyor to assess the plans and issue our building…

11 months11 monthscobey61cobey61 posted:
Kitchen Layout Help

Here's what I've come up with after playing around for a bit:
- Sink facing Alfresco
- Bench space to left and right of sink for "water-related" appliances (e.g., soda stream, kettle)

Kitchen Layout Help
11 months11 monthscobey61cobey61 posted:
Kitchen Layout Help

Hi all,
I'm working on plans for a custom new build and I'm stuck on how best to layout the kitchen. The picture below shows how far I've got so far,…

Kitchen Layout Help
2 years2 yearscobey61cobey61 posted:
Air tightness: one or two building wraps?

Sorry to hijack thread:
If you use both an external wrap and an internal wrap plus services cavity (as described in the first post), what will be the total thickness of…

3 years3 yearscobey61cobey61 posted:
Beach House - Good/Bad Design? Input Appreciated

oklouise, thank you for generously taking the time to create those plans!! Are you an architect yourself??
The plans you have drawn look great, except that they might be encroaching into…

3 years3 yearscobey61cobey61 posted:
Beach House - Good/Bad Design? Input Appreciated

Hi All,
Long-time lurker on this forum, first-time poster. Appreciate all the great content!
I recently bought a ~600sqm empty block of land in coastal Victoria. I'm planning to build a…

Joined homeone
6 June 2018

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