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Joined 25 June 2012
Junior Member
12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Thats awesome equine! I'm so happy for you guys at least some good things are coming out of all it

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

I don't think you will get them on the phone unless you go to the office that's what my husband did on Monday
No work done here this week

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

How's everyone going guys?

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

My hubby will come home and clean the house as he has OCD so it has to be done correctly .
We are with bells bin hire too

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

The cleaner is here now

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Is your insurance with cgu as well building west because I know cgu don't cover penalty rates

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

I think We are goin to have o go the same way as you equine and get credits and start doing the build ourselves that way the build can just…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

I think what also bothers me is why we're we told they were filling and no one else has been have they just told us that to get us to…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

In thinking the same way you are I don't know what to think anymore they tell us one thing then do another and I cant get any answers out of…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

So apparently they are sending someone to clean our site today

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

They sound really pretty. We don't have them that's why I didn't know what they were.
It's good that manbuilt have handed over credits to you so you can continue…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

And what's a waterfall edge?

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Hey equine did you hire these people yourself or is Manbuilt sendi g there painters ECt?

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Equine what's wrong with your bench top? Are they the wrong colour like mine?

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

They don't pay the penalties at all it says it in the insurance contract

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

I spoke to cgu this morning and they told me they can't do anything until they file but she told me to get everything ready to go Sk they could…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

I think your right about the fixing stage payment
And now they are closing uP shop cause they don't want to pay anyone penelty payments

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

They just finishe fixing stage I just paid it last week.
But I still don't have heating cooling another coat of paint electrical not finished alot has been installed but…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

I got told by one of there plumbers and then my husband went in to there office to find out what was going on and was told by Adam.

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Hi everyone
So we were told by Manbuilt yesterday that they are closing up shop as of next week and we would get a letter in the mail
Has anyone else…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Wr had a site meeting last week hopefully some rework to fix the problems we have will get done next week and hopefully the kitchen will be be put…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Was ment to say photos damn iPhone lol

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Awesome news! Would love to see some OCD
Any work done at your place building west?

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Thats good building west hopefully not to much longer now!

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

Lol who would have thought a plain rectangle home would have so many problems! Has Building west had some work done? Hopefully all our houses are finished soon

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

We are building the manhattan 280e single story we did some modifications it, so we can put varanders around the entire house. If I knew how to post a photo…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

It looks great! I'm gla things are starting to take shape
We have had a win today allso the tiler turned up
And has started!!

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

well my tilers must have got lost cause they didnt turn up and typical excuse from the builder "i cant make the tradespeople come to you" and the tiling will…

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

my tiling sand and cement turned up today. the tilers are surppose to be starting thursday fingers crossed!

12 years12 yearscoleraincolerain posted:
NBG Buckingham 46 in rural vic - could it get any worse

My solicitor did give us the options of CA and Vcat as well. But we are trying to work with the builder until we cant work with them anymore then…

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25 June 2012

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