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Joined 3 August 2010
Senior Member
11 years11 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Where to escalate building complaints to?

House was handed over approx 1.5 years ago now, however a certain large building company is refusing to fix a vent on the heating exhaust vent.
It wasn't BAL 29 compliant,…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Dispute with builder over incorrectly installed flue

Thanks building-expert. The heating was part of the build, so they are definitely responsible for fixing it.

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Dispute with builder over incorrectly installed flue

Hi all
Have been in our new house for 5 months now. First big problem.
At some point, the flue on the central heating system has been replaced with a metal flue,…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Plasterboard use outside and tile gaps with silicon

Hi all
Had PCI yesterday, inspector brought up a few issues.
Apparently tiles grouted\filled with silicon are supposed to be 3mm apart, but none of our tile work is.
I had a quick…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Representing yourself at VCAT

Have a look for similar cases at vcat via http://www.austlii.edu.au/

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
New House - Tradies Using Loo??

The house is pretty much ready for handover - not expecting any trades other than a painter doing touch ups.
Mess was made in the ensuite toilet while the portaloo was…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
New House - Tradies Using Loo??

Which is what they have done at my house now, however they failed to ask if we want tradies using our now secondhand toilets. There is also no…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Please help me re-select brick, selected one is discontinued

The brick manufacturers (Austral etc) maintain lists of homes built with their bricks. So you can call them and ask for a few addresses of houses built with red based…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
New House - Tradies Using Loo??

Was interested to read this thread, as I've just had a walk though my house (tradies left doors unlocked) and found the ensuite toilet splattered with poo, despite the "do…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
$105 psqm to lay tiles ???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

Almost done - been sealed, now just needs grouting. Looks fantastic though - glad I went to the effort of getting sandstone tiles.

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Builders next door, What are my rights

Put up a fence. Either pay for one of those temporary fencing companies, or even go small scale with some pigtails and white tape.

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
$105 psqm to lay tiles ???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

No grinding was required, sealing and the patterned cut were agreed to as part of the contract, so no change there.

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Owner builder insurance - bushfire cover

I'd say that policy was introduced to prevent people from taking out cover only when the bushfire conditions are apparent.
Fair enough.
Can't you take out your policy early so you are…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
$105 psqm to lay tiles ???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

Ended up going with the quote - after deducting the costs for the original tiles, its not as painful. Under time constraints (tiling holding up other trades) so couldn't shop…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Recommend a removallist Melbourne east

thanks - will see if they work in the area i'm moving to. May be a bit far....

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
henley homes/cosham interiors sienna Q1 eden gardens epping

I ended up going back to cosham several times as I changed my mind and referred back to the display home....
Make sure you check the colors in the daylight -…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Recommend a removallist Melbourne east

Had a quote of 4k so far. Looking for a decent company that doesn't give "don't want to do the job" prices
Only moving 10 mins down the road to the…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Henley Emperor 45

Didn't make any structural changes to the facade, but opted for render instead of stackstone.....

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Henley Emperor 45

I took photos of tiles, carpet, benchtop colours etc. at the colour appointment and they have proven invaluable down the track.......
However we did forget some things that we had…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Steel lintel not needed above rear door of garage?

We had to pay extra for a steel lintel above the garages because we wanted brickwork instead of crappy boards.
Have you had a look through any building standards documents to…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
How many downlights do you have in your home?

81 downlights.... They are AC (no transformers) and are GU10 fittings, so led globes can be plugged straight in at a later date.
Costing $6k via builder.

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Is this acceptable?

I've noticed alcohol cans and bottles on my property too, wasn't impressed. I'm sure there are OHS issues, apart from any work site regulations by the builders themselves....

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Henley vs Porter Davis

Had to make the same decision - we needed a few changes to both the Henley and PD houses to make it work with our land.
When discussing this with the…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
$105 psqm to lay tiles ???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

The are a bit thicker than normal tiles. They will be sealed after laying (already paid for sealing so its not included in the quote). Apparently they need to hire…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
$105 psqm to lay tiles ???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all
Have bought sandstone tiles and been quoted $105 per square meter to lay them
Tiles are 18mm 400x400 (there is 40sqm to lay in a diamond pattern)
Does that seem…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Cost for sandstone tiling - being ripped off??

Wow, $60pm would be nice... its for a balcony on a new house, which has all the prep (eg. waterproofing) already done.
The tile range offered by the builder…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Cost for sandstone tiling - being ripped off??

Hi all
Have bought sandstone tiles and been quoted $105 per square meter to lay them
Tiles are 18mm 400x400
Does that seem on par?

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Cross nailing of roof trusses?

ok, have clarified this with my OH now, the cross bracing is done, but the skew nailing is not done.
Does that make more sense?
will try and take some photos today…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
Plantation/Henley Emperor - Interior and shed pics

I'm most envious of your shed - it just needs some ponies in it now !!!!!!
I'm currently in discussions with our local council regarding mine.....Wouldn't think it would be an…

13 years13 yearscookie_monstercookie_monster posted:
I think the build may be no more :(

I'm currently building on land that is all clay - and it gets very wet....
We ended up with something like 50 bored piers (4 metre holes in the ground filled…

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