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sth est Melb
Joined 14 October 2007
Gold Member
10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Exposed Aggregate - Melbourne

best expose mix's are from Mentone premix. If you call them they will give you contact details for installers and also job address to view.
We install all types of concrete…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Help with Paver preping !!

Install 80mm compacted crushed rock / road base then install pavers with 4:1 mortar ontop of that
If the sub soil is really soggy / mushy then you have to fix…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
What is the best approach at landscaping?

Landscape plans arnt always necessary. Its all dependant on complexity of project, scope of project and if permits etc are required. For some, a simple out of scale concept plan…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Attaching Stone Cladding to Rendered Brick Wall

Use Mapei Kerra Bond plus adhesive with isolastic 50 additive. This will stick to the render

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
How to repair cracked cement/brick steps? Pics attached.

You can use non shrink grout. Install some sort of form board or barrier to keep the grout in place and in shape as it cures.

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Melbourne (North) Landscape Designer Front & Backyard

We can provide a conceptual design for you based on your house plans and project brief. We arnt on your side of town but can
provide this service remotely (ie :…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Any recommendations for concreters in Berwick please?

We would be happy to provide a quotation for you.
All contact details are on our website www.davincioutdoor.com

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Boundary pool fence in Victoria

What state are you in?

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Rendering cost of courtyard walls

in Melb the av. sq rate is $45-$60 a sq

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Granite and new concrete level

cheapy granite is generally around the $35-$40 sq mtr. with variance upto 5+mm in thicknessI can supply calibrated 500x500x20 flamed for around the $65 sq mtr plus delivery with +…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Granite and new concrete level

gluing granite direct to slab is fine so long as the slab is perfectly flat and has the correct falls.
I use Mapaei Kerra Bond plus adhesive with iso50 additive. its…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Coloured concrete - pre-mixed colour or powder spray on top

the first guy is correct to a point. the colour is called a 'colour hardener' it increase the surface strength to a point but not 40 mpa nor does it…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
brick pillars

I concur on steel corrosion with mortar / concrete fill. Also the additional weight added to the slab may cause the slab to fail if not designed to suit the…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Combining Concrete Driveway Slab with besser block retaining

you first drawing is correct. In this instance I would design and build with drive tied into wall.
Keep in mind you would have to have the whole structure engineered and…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Polish concrete for alfresco area

A concrete slab can be poured over existing with correct preparation's. 75mm would be the minimum thickness for a new slab.
keep in mind fall away from your house and also…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Building a wooden sleeper garden bed

I use a small 600mm level that is magnetised for steel posts. They also come in 300mm length.
As for digging, a post hole shovel, jack hammer etc to do manually…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Building a wooden sleeper garden bed

goto Bunnings or Masters. They have galv. steel uprights suitable for one sleeper high applications.
if you are installing one sleeper high then the upright would need to be a minimum…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Blue board?? and recommendations for a panel system

Google weathertex panels... Stud wall insulation is required with this product
If you want render, have a look at unitex website... Foam panels with acrylic render

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Irrigation - Connecting PVC pipe to tap

Dependant on the stand pipe and tap material.... Galv. Or brass/copper "t" fitting inbetween the mains stand pipe and tape itself... Use Teflon tape. Then a male to male galv.…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Paving vs Poured Limestone around Pool

Put the sq mtr price aside... Get references, job addresses you physically go and inspect, have they got a show room, have they got insurance, are they accredited, do they…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Paving vs Poured Limestone around Pool

I was on of two installers of lumeah in Vic several years ago when it was available here. What I liked about it was the shapes for pattern etc are…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
test pic

the only img url I can find in the html code is https://img4.wsimg.com/wst/v7/WSB7_J_20 ... 67_5639/v2 but this dosnt work either

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
test pic

I cant work out how to add an image using from the portfolio on my website.
I know normally copy and paste img url but on my website when you…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
regrouting pavers around pool. expansion joints? See pics.

As a general rule all rigid paving on a concrete base around a pool should a caulked expansion joint between the coping and the main paving, on each corners of…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Pool fence regulations question - height INSIDE enclosure

boundary fences....
the outside of the boundary fence in Vic generally has no relivance to compliance. (this has been the case for years)
The internal does.
a boundary fence must be a minimum…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Pool & Spa selection in Victoria

Use google to look up the before mention pool company for reviews then make your decision on them
In terms of fibreglass the install cost is cheaper due to the ease…

10 years10 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Help! Staining on aggregate driveway

a few things you can do.
10 : 1 ration bleach applied with a water can, let it soak in and then high pressure clean
10 : 1 hydro acid appliedwith water…

11 years11 yearsdavincidavinci posted:
Vertical garden, laser cut wall panels

Vertical garden moduals x4 all new never installed
Already assembled, have bag inserts.
I small clip broken on one modual but dosnt affect it at all
Retail for $220 each modual
Sell all…



hello to all
Quick intro
My name is Troy and i own Da Vinci Outdoor Living
i specialise in commercial and domestic 'Hard' landscape and concrete construction
If anyone has q? i would be…



Joined homeone
14 October 2007

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