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Joined 30 December 2008
Silver Member
15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
S&G Carlisle Monaco 32 - HANDOVER 24/8

Hi Sarah,
Congrats - finally!!! So happy to hear that you will have handover tomorrow, and that you are obviously very happy with everything.
I still love our Monaco32 every day, a…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
S&G Carlisle Monaco 32 - HANDOVER 24/8

Hi Sarah,
Sorry I haven't replied of late. Have been wondering how you are getting on though and hoping you are in, or almost in. Sorry to hear about all the…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Evap cooling - where should the water go?

Thanks House-to-be.
Ours lands next to the water tank.... sounds like we need to get in touch with the builder. We hadn't picked this up at maintenance, but given at that…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Evap cooling - where should the water go?

Hi - hoping someone can help me.
Our evap cooling will dump it's water every now and then, which I know it should do - but it dumps it over the…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
New Build Gisborne VIC - Custom vs Spec

Oh - I hope Carlisle not building here at the moment isn't our fault! :D
They did indicate at the end of our build…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
New Build Gisborne VIC - Custom vs Spec

Hi Shakin77 - nice to see another Gisborne house in here!
We built in Gisborne and moved in 8 months ago. We built with Carlilise Homes, so one of the volume…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
S&G Carlisle Monaco 32 - HANDOVER 24/8

Hi Sarah :D
Congrats - almost a slab!
Our slab was poured Jan 19 last year, so only a few days before you and we…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
High Ceilings (2700) & BIFOLD DOORS to Alfresco is it Worth?

I think it depends a bit on the design of your house.
You say that it is 22sq and high ceilings would help to make it feel more spacious. I agree…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
The CARLISLE HOMES & SPECTRA General Information Thread

We had to pay ours directly to the Council. It was specified as such in our contract with Carlisle - but that was a year ago. So best to check…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:

Hi - we have a bit of blue going on. :D
We have Vic Blue bricks and inside have a glass splashback in Dulux Winter…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
S&G Carlisle Monaco 32 - HANDOVER 24/8

Great news Sarah! :D
Very exciting.
Our blog has a timeline on it, so that should help you work it all out. We had Xmas…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
WIR Fitout - Melbourne

We have recently got quotes for this - to put internal fitouts in the robes (so not a WIR as such).
We got a recommendation from a friend for Inner Space…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
What do you love about it??

I keep meaning to reply on this thread :D
I love....
- our big back room - family/kitchen/dining with corner bifolds to deck
- the deck...…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
The CARLISLE HOMES & SPECTRA General Information Thread

Mogwai - I can only provide part of the answer. We were lucky enough to have 40mm CS in our promotion (a year ago). To upgrade to Cat 2 for…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Is an All White kitchen too much?

Happy to help Jazzie!
A coloured splashback will definitely be a winner I think.
I love my kitchen! :D

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Is an All White kitchen too much?

OK - I am totally biased here!! :D
We went for a white kitchen. Polar white laminex cupboards/drawers and 40mm Caesarstone in Snow for…

  ⋅  1
15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
S&G Carlisle Monaco 32 - HANDOVER 24/8

Hi Sarah - that is great news. Congrats!
Hopefully Carlisle can start on your block asap now. Shall be so exciting to see things moving. If our build time is…

15 years15 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Boiling Water on tap

We have one at work - and I love it! We did think of getting one in the house, but couldn't really justify the expense. They are great for offices,…

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Please show me your colorbond Dune/Shale Grey/Surfmist roof!

Hi - here is our Shale Grey roof, before our house was finished. It looks pretty light when it is sunny.
Good luck with your selections :D

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Whisper or Stowe??

Wow, that is stupid for some colours to cost more. It doesn't cost the builder any more. Just being mean! OH well, decision made bluesteel so that is good. …

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Whisper or Stowe??

Hi bluesteel,
We have whisper White on our walls and it isn't stark. We used Lexicon half on the ceiling, cornices and skirtings - so compared to that Whisper is more…

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Our Carlisle Monaco 32 - All moved in! Photos!

Thanks Sarah. Hoping for some lovely weather on the weekend and we shall be out there! :D
Lights mostly done yesterday and loving them.…

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Our Carlisle Monaco 32 - All moved in! Photos!

Hi :D
Has been a while between updates...
At work so don't have photos to upload here - but I did update the blog this…

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Cleaning the new house - the plan versus the reality

CarolineJ - we have a Thermomix too. We call ours Kermie! It just seems to need a name. :D :wink:

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
30% OFF Canvas art @ Harvey Norman!!!

Perhaps this will prompt me to get my act together...
I had lots of plans for this to be done before we moved - and now been in the house…

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Just signed today for Atlantique 40 Mk2 with Carlisle Homes

Hi marclau - congrats on signing up. It is a big decision to finally decide on a design. It will be a great house. :D

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Bathroom places in Melbourne

Hi hmmmmmm,
Well Rogerseller certainly wasn't cheap - but as I have to keep reminding DH, style and good design generally doesn't come cheap! :D

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Bathroom places in Melbourne

Hi - I searched everywhere for nice towel rails etc, and finally found Rogerseller in Richmond. They have lovely stuff. Could be at other locations too, not sure.

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Aluminum or Timber Bi-fold doors and other questions

HI - if you look at the inside photo you will see a bit of black towards top and bottom of some of the panels. These are the locks. On…

16 years16 yearsdoghousedoghouse posted:
Aluminum or Timber Bi-fold doors and other questions

It sounds like you are probably sorted on this, but just thought I would post a couple of shots of our aluminium bi-folds.
I really like timber bi-folds too, but these…

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