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Orange Grove WA
Joined 5 June 2019
Loyal Member
2 years2 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

, or should know where the furniture goes.It definitely needs an electrical plan from the builder as builders otherwise will put the power points into the cavity to save the…

2 years2 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Metricon sending legal threats to members of Facebook page

Your missing legal term at point 1. might be "restraint of trade" if they can prove your intent was to send them bankrupt.

2 years2 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

When I built two years ago each extra power point was about $35. $80 now sounds horrible.

2 years2 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Correct! Every state has some sort of a builder's supervisory board and having issues in black and white is essential as verbal promises are worth nothing.
The builder will suggest power…

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
How often do you visit your site?

It was actually in my contract to have to contact the manager for a site visit, so I gave the company a quasi legal waiver if an accident happens, but…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
BGC Company WA

Don't tell me another builder has gone bust and left customers in the lurch??

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
WA Building Company

Just visit the site as many times as possible and take photos if you see a problem, like roof tie-downs not properly connected or larger doors not having three hinges…

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
How often do you visit your site?

Builders must just love the new virus restrictions, which may stop you from site visits and which the police may enforce, but I live in WA, so I cannot comment.

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Quality builder and building designer Perth

Correct, but with building being such a complex undertaking and with the architect's charges being quite high due to them being a percentage of building costs, one expects no mistake…

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Quality builder and building designer Perth

Most builders have their own group of TAFE trained designers and one hopes they know the R-Codes (Residential Codes) as my architect got sacked for not knowing them. If they…

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
BGC Company WA

One would think the banks contact a credit rating company before they lend any money if they do not know the financial status themselves. BGC has a reputation of being…

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
WA Building Company

Newchoice Developments gave me a $50 Bunnings voucher, but that did not stop me from telling the public what sort of problems I ran into regarding costing. I still recommend…

3 years3 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
WA Building Company

Have a look at site called productreview, they are good. They give you stats from "Recommended" to "Avoid" and if the "Avoids" are statistically too many, then do not choose…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

I managed to get the builder to install plugs (sockets) on the rafters. If the LED burns out or I do not like the colour, then I do not have…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Anyone sell their own property (no agent)?

There is a site called RENTBETTER, which charges around $500 to list on realestate and domain and lots of free ones. I found tenants thru them, so I would only…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Things you arranged outside of the builder

Problem with flooring is that the builder will quote carpets and they will be the cheapest they could find. There is a lot of choice from expensive timber to engineered…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Warranty Period-How do I make sure faults get fixed?

At the handing over of the keys, the "buffer" of my building supervisor wanted me to fill in their forms with faults I find and then to hand them in…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
cross over paving cost / recommendation south of river perth

Canning Council tells me it used to be $55/m2 and not $75. Should be less for new crossovers, my quote is for replacing a broken crossover. Will get other quotes.…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Things not included in builders price

No floor coverings
Tiles in shower only and only up to 2,000mm
28 courses instead of the old time 31 course ceiling height
Meter box not lockable
Outside light only if designer/architect called area…

  ⋅  2
4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
cross over paving cost / recommendation south of river perth

Axiis Contracting P/L - 16.4m2 @ $75/m2 = $1,230, + GST = $1,353.
Includes saw cutting, removal and disposal of existing. There are four panels.
City of Canning - They…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Building with New Choice Developments (Perth)

Recommended, but watch costings and check and recheck documents and build quality.
After an architect had drawn up a floor plan (with mistakes), I contacted several builders for quotes and New…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Single Phase vs 3 Phase Electricity (New Build)

I am putting it in as it has a benefit apart from reducing the energy loss in the wiring along a long drive way. I am also putting in a…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Building quality volume vs custom builder

Volume builder will definitely build you a house in WA with 28 brick courses (cheaper) vs. 31 courses or about 2620 ceiling height, so your house will be hotter in…

4 years4 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Building quality volume vs custom builder

Yes, there is! Did get my own floor plan, contour map, soil test and site costs and contacted more than four builders. One builder offered $10,000 less after I told…

5 years5 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
How often do you visit your site?

The HIA and MBA will always support the builder and not you. Builders are supposed to have regular meetings with you at the end of certain stages, so have a…

5 years5 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
How often do you visit your site?

As often as possible as builders are often guilty of shortcuts. In my case the Afghan bricklayers forgot to add in the 20mm spacers (the need for speed!) to the…

5 years5 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Insulation in cavity-brick wire ties and conduits interfere?

The company also says there has to be a 50mm overlap, top sheet over lower, the overlap has to be taped, that is a must and then the co. says…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Insulation in cavity-brick wire ties and conduits interfere?

Watch the outer leaf being done and insist on one 20mm spacer biscuit every second brick tie. Take photos like I did as evidence; not that the supervisor bothered to…

5 years5 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Approaching builders - advice please

Both are worded for the benefit of the builder and not the client and you have no choice anyway. One builder had his own idea of first progress payment, which…

5 years5 yearsdomwilddomwild posted:
Insulation in cavity-brick wire ties and conduits interfere?

A word of warning here: Watch the brickies as they were lazy with putting in the 20mm spacer bisuits and the company told me, that reduces the R-rating from R…






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