3PostsMost Active Topics
10 years10 yearsDonnaduggan posted:
Second floor addition in flame zone
Second floor addition in flame zone
We are in the design stage of a second floor addition in Bal-fz in wahroonga any suggestions?
10 years10 yearsDonnaduggan posted:
Hardiesmart boundary wall system
Hardiesmart boundary wall system
Has anyone used the hardiesmart boundary wall system with linea weatherboard? In design process of second floor addition in bal-fz and looking for options.
Thanks Donna
10 years10 yearsDonnaduggan posted:
Custom KDR in Flame Zone
Custom KDR in Flame Zone
Hi kylie
I have been reading your posts with interest. We are deciding whether or not to do a second floor addition in wahroonga having just found out three sides are…
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27 February 2015