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Joined 21 March 2014
Silver Member
2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Wrong Joint compound used.

Did they use Anticon under the roof sheets?

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Cement Sheet Failure

You need to go to Consumer affairs, they will give advice and also act on your behalf (depending on state you are in) there are laws that protect Consumer against…

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
How wide is your hallway?

Is there a doorway in the hallway / passage?

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Is there any major builder who can build till lockup stage?

It gets very tricky from an insurance point of view, in Western Australia you would have to take out another building license as an owner builder to do the remaining…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Do we need shower door to comply with AS Standards ?

I'm pretty sure you only need a floor waste in the laundry, bathroom and ensuite (other than the shower recess) if there is no overflow on the vanity basin or…

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Overseas family help?

Hi tb124abc, it depends what state your in, if your on the East Coast all the trades have to be licensed it's very doubtful you could bring in someone from…

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
2 Storey with raked ceiling

If there is a floor above it you can't have a raking ceiling

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Legal notice

Which builder? Sounds a bit suss

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
My experience buying windows in China

I didn't say the quality was bad, only what the board is made of, but thank you all very much for supporting Australian manufacturing and industry

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
My experience buying windows in China

I wouldn't be getting cabinets from China, there is a well known cabinet maker in Perth that was installing cabinets made in China for a large builder, that cabinet maker…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
WA builder complaint process

DIY if you are handy, not 100% about the external plaster, may be worth going to a specialist paint shop i.e. Dulux or Wattyl and show them the pictures, it…

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
WA builder complaint process

Don't bother lodging a complaint with the building commission you will be wasting your money, if you google WA guide to tolerances and standards (a publication from the building commission)…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Roof installation

Brickwork should be fully complete and that's not complete, hard to tell by the picture but doesn't look like brickwork above the internal door is in either. I would get…

2 years2 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Builder damaged my Retaining wall

It's definitely not included as per the wording of the item, so it's your responsibility. I think its more of a moral obligation from the builder they should of told…

3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Blue timber H2 is incredibly hard to source, alternative?

No consequences for using H3, it's the same timber with a higher treatment level, it's going to cost you a fair bit more but no problems using it at all

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
MoveHomes WA - Reviews?

Might want to look at a Facebook group called $honkybuilderswa (with an S not a $) I think there might be a few things there on them.

3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Fixed Price Contract

Hi Newgirl,
You need to say what state you are in, building contracts are different for each state

3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Building price increases

StructuralBIMGuy you must be living under a rock to say society trusts Enginners it would be the same as saying I'm going to get lucky with Angelina Jolie!
Look at…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
7 Months, No Brickie!

Hi Mick,
I would suggest you're in WA and if so it is more than likely one of the big project builders, if all is correct it seems a little long,…

3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Building price increases

Once again structualBIMguy you show that you have no idea what your talking about, you have a habit of it

  ⋅  2
3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Building price increases

To put it into prospective a gang of 5 or 6 lay between 8,000 to 10,000 bricks on a single storey house and that would take a week, so between…

3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Building price increases

Yep I'm an estimator, have been for about 15 years, those price increases are all cost, they are Sub-contract rates for labour, so before Covid19 we were paying $1:20+GST…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Building price increases

This is what is happening in Perth, I have tracked all major increases since January 2021 (There are others I haven't worried about) this is on top of the increases…

Building price increases
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3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:
Landscape design in Perth

Used Kelsie Davies a few times, she is very good and never had any dramas

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:

Sorry that imagine is shocking it's Bluescope steel Technical Bullet TB-34, just google that

3 years3 yearsDoozer1905Doozer1905 posted:

Here is an industry bulletin from Bluescope personally I don't like steel framing and much prefer timber.
It's borderline with Bluescope is regards to neing that close…

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21 March 2014

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