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Joined 14 June 2014
Senior Member
8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Stove disaster!! Burning my skirting

Hey guys
I have a new house and it has not even been 3 months old yet
I used the rear burner for the first time which is closest to my Window…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Paint Colour for timber fence and front yard idea's

Varnish and Stains last the same , they require maintenance every year or so
So no go on those :(
Going to stick to a paint

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Paint Colour for timber fence and front yard idea's

Thanks Zgurler
But wouldnt a varnish also require frequent maintenance? This is the thing I want to avoid especially because I wish to rent it out in future
Please tell me because…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Paint Colour for timber fence and front yard idea's

Hi everyone
I have a new house and its time to do put some colour on the fence and start landscaping the front yard
I want to eventually turn this house into…

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Paint or Stain my rental Fence and Front Yard

Hi guys
New house and about to do the front yard and also want to paint the timber fence
Not doing a decking for the front just timber borders around garden beds…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Indepandent Building inspection price?

Hey guys
I am an owner of a newly built home. Its about 1.5 months old. I have a 3 month maintenance period where they repair and fix any faults after…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
F20 Exposed Concrete mix from outwest concrete pictures

Hi guys
I thinking of choose F20 exposed aggregate mix from outwest for my concrete to pour down
I have been shown a few houses he done but they are all very…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
CFL fluorescent vs LED downlights for savings

Hey guys
I am trying to get a decent accurate cost savings figure on how much cash per year I would save and replacing all my house's lights from cfl fluorescent…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
New house - living in it myself but want to rent it and FOG

I just moved into my new first home, got the First Home Owners grant
2 questions
1. How do I claim the fog? Do I need to ring the bank up and…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Concrete advice on new build

No ill get a proper concreter to do it, I dont know what to do so id rather it done properly
Would they compact it themselves or should I do that…

8 years8 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Concrete advice on new build

My new home just got completed and I am doing the landscaping myself
I want a bit of concrete in the backyard. The soil is pretty soft and parts of it…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Which home insurance company ( not contents ) ?

stupid question
I have used a couple of different "cost to rebuild your home" calculators and they have all given me way out of sync figures
one was 11k
Another was 330k...
My house…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Which home insurance company ( not contents ) ?

My first home is almost completed its building process. I need to now get a certificate of currency ( insurance this is right?)
I will be living in it with 2…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
How to do agreement for tenant living with you

Hi guys
I just built my new place and it should be ready soon. I have a friend who wants to rent it for me. But they want some kind of…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
issue with shower water temp

Like a power point switch? is that what it "should" look like
You can probably tell I am not a handy man lol
but I try to learn and do stuff myself…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
issue with shower water temp

I want to try resetting the backup switch first, but I dont know where it is located?
I checked near the the tank but couldnt see any switches..
can someone help out…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
issue with shower water temp

I just checked around, I went to the hot water tank, - its a solar power one
but couldnt find any backup switch
is that where your saying the switch should be?…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
issue with shower water temp

yeh pretty sure it has ( I say pretty sure because this is my girlfriends place and I just moved in but she says it has)
I dont know if the…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
issue with shower water temp

I have moved in with my girlfriend who's house is about 3 years old
She has the shower handle type which is one shower handle that swivels from left to right…

9 years9 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
TO Feature tile shower or not ?

Hey guys
I am on the fence about putting in a feature 3 tile strip in my bathroom showers for a new house I am building
I just finished choosing colours…

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Title Insurance and Caveat worth it?

Well I just asked my conveyancer. She was not much help. She just told me its entirely up to me
Well I dont know i I need it or not thats…

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Title Insurance and Caveat worth it?

Cant really afford a solicitor but I will my broker and my friends/family who know more about this sort of thing

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Title Insurance and Caveat worth it?

Hey guys
I am just reading my conveyancing contract and there is two additional options I can get:
Title Insurance and Caveat
The title insurance is a one off payment and covers a…

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
What is "Weather Access?"

Just reading my building contract before I sign and one thing I am not sure about which it says in one of the clauses:
The owner must provide at the owners…

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Progress Payments

Great so the bank pays them in installments after each stage, and then for the house,
Then after that I start paying the bank back from my mortgage

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
Progress Payments

I have a building contract and it says progress payments are due 7 days after each stage completed
Can somone please explain this to me and how the progress payments…

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
In a bit of a dilemma...

How much could an extended tender cost me? and who do I ask for this from?

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
In a bit of a dilemma...

ok thanks
Hope they give me a extension untill around xmas

10 years10 yearsDrekkoDrekko posted:
In a bit of a dilemma...

would a provisional allowance be the same as me just asking them to extended the contract price time?

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14 June 2014

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