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Shoalhaven, NSW
Joined 27 February 2006
14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
floorboards imported from china?

I'm referring to solid timber as far as my line of work goes. Carpet stores generally handle the floating stuff here

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Attach pergola to the house or not?

Attaching a pergola takes away the majority of lateral stability issues. Freestanding will need posts in ground and bracing to stop it from falling over

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
floorboards imported from china?

It has nothing to do with the Dept. Of Forestry :?

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
floorboards imported from china?

I find it difficult to believe the ATFA said this when they have published many articles recently on the importance of it and the inherent problems caused by so many…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
floorboards imported from china?

Almost every pack of timber flooring regardless of the mill comes with a brochure detailing the need for acclimatising as well as…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
floorboards imported from china?

I'm sorry but you have no idea what acclimatisation is and why it is necessary. You should not be posting this mis-information.
Are you trying to say that Spotted Gum out…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Import or Australian made solid timber?

Yes it will be acclimatised to the pack in the warehouse its sitting in - not to their house where it counts.
People seem to get very confused about the definition…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
155mm kauri pine board

Danmar Minyak (also known as Malaysian Kauri Pine) is often used in place of Australian Kauri

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Import or Australian made solid timber?

The vast majority of pre-finished solid hardwood flooring - including Aust. hardwood - is machined and finished in China
Whether the timber has sat in a warehouse in Sydney for 5…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Patio Roof Trusses

I mean if you decide to line it and there is no anti-con, the condensation that will form under the roof will drip and eventually rot the timber.

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Patio Roof Trusses

What you are talking about sounds like a gable roof, not a trussed roof
Decide if you are going to timber line now as you will need anti-con under the roofing…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Decking Tool

Do you mean space the boards evenly?
There is a product called Deck-Mate which works very well.
I'm not sure where to get it sorry

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
sikkens cetol hls teak on merbau deck?

IMO Sikkens Cetol HLS is the best product you can use on a deck - the 077 or 078 from memory is the natural finish from memory.
Traditional oils are evaporated…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Best timber for verandah/deck flooring in heritage cottage

I can't imagine the imported species merbau or belian being allowed on a heritage listed house. Generally the original timber or closest match must be used.
Cypress or Tallowwood was very…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

I don't know anyone who still clamps the floor boards - the norm now is to fix with the secret nailer and then go across with the T-nailer. Its much…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
timber staircase

What you would be getting is Pacific Maple (Meranti spp.), not North American Maple.
Whilst it is a hardwood its not a particulary hard timber. It would be softer than the…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

We have a customer(home owner) taking another customer ( lic.builder) to Dept. of Fair Trading at the moment for secret-nailing of flooring not suitable for it and the problems it…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

I mean Boral don't produce wide board overlay flooring that is suitable for secret-fixing so have come up with this 'method'

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
steel joists for tongue and groove boards

I've never heard of it, not sure how they would fix it :?

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

Also be aware there is NSW Spotted Gum and Qld Spotted Gum - the Qld is fairly dark whilst the NSW can range from lightish to mid tones - it…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

Essentially its Borals poor attempt at countering the 130mm and 180mm x 14mm overlay benefits.
There are that many disclaimers and conditions most installers I know have balked at it

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

Yes, generally dearer per sq. metre

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Solid Timber Spotted Gum - Wide or narrow planks???

If your using 19mm solid flooring the wide boards must be top-nailed whilst the narrow boards can be secret-nailed.
Other than that its purely aesthetic - me personally I'd go the…

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Door Wood

there are threads if you do a search but you need to upload the pics to a host such as Photobucket then paste the link between the IMG tags

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Door Wood

post a pic :wink:

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
What material is used to "close off" the eaves?

Eaves fibro is 4.5mm and comes in 450mm and 600mm widths

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Radiata Pine

There was also a lot of baltic pine around then as well as Australian Kauri pine laid in the earlier 20th century

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Advise on Blackbutt Feature Timber flooring

Radiata and cypress, whilst both pines are completely different species

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Advise on Blackbutt Feature Timber flooring

Many people buy feature grade for the 'feature', not just for the price. There isn't actually a need to fill borer holes and gum pockets with putty filler

14 years14 yearsDukekamayaDukekamaya posted:
Where can i buy reasonable ply wood?

Any timber yard

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