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Joined 5 May 2012
Gold Member
2 years2 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Termite treatment noticed on building report

After 7yrs of living in my build I decided on this treatment for my house, I had no termites present or any indication of termite damage, it's completely normal and…

2 years2 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Comparing roofing delays.

Our neighbours at the house we're in at the moment built with DA and they smashed it out! The house just flew up, so fingers crossed it flies for you…

2 years2 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Comparing roofing delays.

Honestly it seems as it depends who you build with, any BGC companies you'll be waiting a long time. I'm with Blueprint had the below time line -
02 March…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Overlooking window

That's honestly a little selfish of them, to not disgruntle my neighbours I placed my air con unit on our back wall facing into our backyard. I'd much prefer it…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Building in 2022

So far so good anyway! I just have to be realistic about future delays that will come.
I went out and visited the slab today and they’ve cleared it and it’s…

Building in 2022
3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Building in 2022

Yeah I’ve been super impressed with their communication side every aspect of the way from first talking to them last year right up until todays email, we are building with…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Building in 2022

I'm in Perth and had my slab down within 6wks from council approval, my builder has been up front and honest about what trades and materials are in short supply…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Custom vanity depth

I find it odd they’re ‘custom’ yet won’t let you go smaller or to the wall for the basin.
Back in 2013 I was on a very strict budget building my…

Custom vanity depth
3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
HELP! I just got a draft contract

To get you to sign now they will 100% tell you the price will go up if you don't secure it now and it probably will. But if it jumps…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
HELP! I just got a draft contract

I wouldn't sign anything until much closer, confirm with your developer a month before titles are due as to whether they are looking to be on time or not.
Certainly don't…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Termite barrier and inspections

It would certainly pay to get a pest company out to check for termites and protect for them, by time you see any termite damage on the outside it's usually…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Off the plan

It's a tough one, I'm not sure where you are located, but in Perth here a lot of builders are passing on massive increases even part way through the build…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Landscaping ideas

100% agree with this, a nice render over it and lots of green leafy plants in the garden bed would be the simplest option that would look really nice.

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Buying a land everything done online?

We've recently purchased land and have completed everything online. However its not a new estate, it's one of the last releases in the estate (14 all up I believe), so…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Right time to lock builder when title is 8 months away.

I'd honestly leave it until later again.
We signed start of June, our land titled mid September, we were still hit with a price increase with the builder. Maybe around…

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Right time to lock builder when title is 8 months away.

You run the risk of locking in now and getting price increases (they usually only have in the contract a 90 day hold on prices).
We locked in a bit…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Currently building ??

Unfortunately in WA that’s for most people, especially if your builder isn’t ahead of the game with scheduling and ordering :(

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
7 Months, No Brickie!

It's all too common right now in WA, most especially if you're with a BGC company, soon enough they'll probably issue you a price increase as well if you're extra…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Building with Dale Alcock...regrets already

Unfortunately every builder is delayed right now, lack of supplies and trades are not helping at all.

3 years3 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Currently building ??

I am in the tender process still for my current build, but we have 5 houses being built down my street where we are currently living.
1 started just after…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Can Someone Please Tell Me the Purpose of a Corner Soffit

Even though they’ve listed it on the plans to be like that..?

4 years4 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Can Someone Please Tell Me the Purpose of a Corner Soffit

Sorry it's a bit late.. but my builder has mentioned they add it so its easier to add a door onto later on.

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Floorplan Feedback/advice

I had double sinks in my ensuite in my house I just sold, whilst it made for a beautiful picture for the advertising.. it really was just extra to clean!…

4 years4 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
narrow lot: double garage vs extra room

Personally I'd keep a double garage or carport, single garages are insanely narrow you'll find you wont be able to get your passenger out while parked anyway. It will affect…

10 years10 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Ellenbrook Build - Starting Up

I shocked and saddend for you guys :(
I seen the site supervisor there yesterday and I was tempted to say something at how slow the two…

10 years10 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Ellenbrook Build - Starting Up

Theyve almost finished your drive way when I drove past about half an hour ago. No reason why they couldnt get it done today!

10 years10 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Ellenbrook Build - Starting Up

They are there right now paving away. Fingers crossed!

10 years10 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Ellenbrook Build - Starting Up

No my water meter is to the side of my drive way. They had to flip my house plans so the driveway didnt go over it.
Gosh Commodore are proving to…

10 years10 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Ellenbrook Build - Starting Up

All your blinds are up so I cant see in anymore, paving has been started also!
I can't see what would hold them back on getting the keys to you before…

10 years10 yearsEcho2k3Echo2k3 posted:
Ellenbrook Build - Starting Up

Wow I would be so un impressed with that!! I walked past yesterday and there really isnt much left to do as far as I can see?
I've been in my…

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