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2 months2 monthselfinawe posted:
Permanent window paint
Permanent window paint
I checked the last post of this but there was no answer. Who knows who sells paint designed for PERMANENTLY painting or priming window glass? Not tiny tubes of decorative…
3 years3 yearselfinawe posted:
Painting window glass
Painting window glass
No, I just need ways to make the job last.nI will definately be using your seggestion as a primer.
3 years3 yearselfinawe posted:
Painting window glass
Painting window glass
Thanks for that. Hopefully one of the UV sealants will help protect the paint from the sun.
3 years3 yearselfinawe posted:
Painting window glass
Painting window glass
I understand that its difficult to keep a good finish on painted glass when it gets allot of sun - especially when the glass is patterned.
I've come accross a few…
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28 June 2021