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2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Retaining Wall and Fences

Thank you very much. All of this is really helpful really grateful for you inputs. It has been 3 months since handover that we don't have fences cos of this…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Retaining Wall and Fences

Unfortunately that was what the developer would do but apparently it will ruin the integrity of the slab.. not sure how legit the reason is. House is 2m away from…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Retaining Wall and Fences

Thanks all. It's a corner lot, and the boundary is at the out corner of the retaining wall. If the developer added cleats before hand then no dramas but since…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Retaining Wall and Fences

fencer said they cant without breaking the rocks and pipe. the only solution is to move 100mm but by doing so I am already taking out 1 meter of area…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Retaining Wall and Fences

Hello! Trying to install fences next to a retaining wall and was wondering what others experience was? We have Agri pipe and rocks from the retaining wall on the way…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Herringbone Hardwood Floor installation

HI thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's interesting as most sanders I have spoken to say that it is common practice to sand and seal :(

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Retaining wall and fence

Hello! Trying to install fences next to a retaining wall and was wondering what others experience was? We have Agri pipe and rocks from the retaining wall on the…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
A reminder of why you never take handover….

so just sharing my experience..
our situation is that we dont have the pressure of having to move asap.. we made our SS aware of that.
we came to the…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
A reminder of why you never take handover….

Thanks for sharing.. my gut tells me to just accept and just ensure the fixes required are put into writing

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Floor tiles grout too deep?

hi everyone, I am having handover tomorrow but I just realised my floor tiles' grout might be too deep. Unfrotunately, I dont have photos as the house is locked ..…

Floor tiles grout too deep?
2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
A reminder of why you never take handover….

Thanks for the prompt response. I meant there are still pending issues for example, grout on tiles, some tiles are chipped, some things not yet fixed from the pci report...…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
A reminder of why you never take handover….

Hi all reading this thread, unfortunately, my builder does not allow for cheque payment, so I've already transfered the money to the builder but there are still poending issues and…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Herringbone Hardwood Floor installation

Hi all!
I am speaking with a herringbone installer, and since our herringbone floorboards do not have tounge and groove, he said that installing it will mean there will be…

2 years2 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
What's wrong with my cabinets

Hi all
My cabinets don't seem to be aligned and my builder is telling me to just paint the inner cabinets black ... I don't want to do that and I…

What's wrong with my cabinets
3 years3 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Integrated Fridge Cavity

Hi all! Was wondering if it's possible to install a fridge inside a plastered cavity wall with the following dimension:
The requirement for the cavity width is 914mm, and the width…

Integrated Fridge Cavity
3 years3 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Integrated Fridge

Hi all! Was wondering if it's possible to install a fridge inside a plastered cavity wall with the following dimension:
The requirement for the cavity width is 914mm, and the width…

Integrated Fridge
3 years3 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Land Loan first and Construction Loan Later (Does it work?)

Thanks Bec! I would have thought so too, given really low fixed interest rates prior months ago. thanks for the insights :)

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Land Loan first and Construction Loan Later (Does it work?)

Hi Bec! Would love to hear your advice on my case. I have purchased land first and fixed it for 2 years. Now I'm ready to build. Should I consolidate…

3 years3 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Land loan fixed and ready to build - charges?

Hi all!
First time builder here so thanks for your patience and understanding
I fixed my land loan for 2 years however I am ready to build now. Will I be…

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Taking cupboard doors & drawers out of contract

Hi ! Just wanting to confirm that there should be no issues spraying the whole kitchen after handover? does that mean the kickers and front and side panels of the…

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Can split level potentially help lower site cost?

Hi all! First home owner here. Still trying to get a hang of site costs. We have now been given a quote of 38k for site cost + 3..5k for…

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
do i need retaining wall - builder asking 35k site cost

Hi all!
I am wondering if anyone could help me interpret my soil test? I have been provided 16k(Fairhaven) , 25k (Henley) for fixed site cost. My preferred builder is quoting…

do i need retaining wall - builder asking 35k site cost
4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Site cost - boreholes

I do have a Meter fall on my land apparently.
But they didn't see that the developer already has placed a retaining wall.. so hopefully that can lower the cost quite…

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Site cost - boreholes

Is that a bad thing? I have been provided fixed site costs for 16k to 20k but one builder is charging me 45k .. such a massive difference o.o and…

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Site cost - boreholes

hi all! I have here the appendex for my borehole logs results from the soil test conducted. we would just like to confirm what the measurements below mean? does the…

Site cost - boreholes
4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
My builder says I can't have 2 different floor tiles joining

thanks for the advice! here's my floorplan:
and they are saying on the rear I can't have tiles cos I have the common bathroom along the rear hallway which will…

My builder says I can't have 2 different floor tiles joining
4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
My builder says I can't have 2 different floor tiles joining

Hi all, first home builder here, and iam struggling to understand why I can't have two different floor tiles joining each other. Context is, I have a rear hallway,…

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Front Door handle after handover

did you just ask them? unfortunately my builder is quite strict about only installing the products they are offering from their catalogue :(

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Change pivot door after handover

Thanks so much for your insights chippy! Trully appreciate your help. We will just go for our builder's range!

4 years4 yearselloelloelloqwerelloelloelloqwer posted:
Install stone benchtop afterhandover - shadowline

Thank you so much for your detailed response!! I really appreciate your help on this!
I will ask if they can not put any benchtop on. Will a benchtop be…

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