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Joined 21 February 2013
Gold Member
11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Burns Build - Dale Alcock Finished Photos

Tbrown all looking beautiful. May I ask if your flowers (especially the tulips in bathrooms) are fake or real? I know fake flowers are generally frowned upon in the decorating…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Perth NOR OB on 5 Acres - Kitchen and Pool :-)

Ooooh lovely! I want one too!

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
and our blind saga is finally resolved!!!

Butterbing, we have those exact lights and find the ones on dimmer circuits flicker every now and then. Do yours flicker? I'm going to contact the electrician next week and…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our Rocky Forever Home - couple of pics

I'm still here!! It's been a massive few weeks moving and settling in. Hubby had a serious health scare as well, so it's not been a particularly nice time. We've…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Newbie DIY question re: drilling into walls

So bashworth you never really worry too much about wires? Do you follow any general rules like avoid above and below sockets/switches etc?
Those are the exact ones I have so…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Newbie DIY question re: drilling into walls

Well that's no help! Haha. But people drill into walls all the time. How do they do it safely?

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Help! Scratches on my new smeg oven. :(

Has anyone got any tips to remove fine scratches from the surface of my beautiful new oven? I think either the cleaners or the electrician did it.... not happy.

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Newbie DIY question re: drilling into walls

Hi all, I have a stupid question.
I'm learning how to hang pictures etc using plugs and screws.
How can I be sure there are no wires behind where I'm drilling? I've…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Plantation Sienna Vogue - 1 month since Handover PICS GALORE

Yaay congrats! How exciting.

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

Meanwhile the floors look incredible, so reflective! But I can understand why you were originally concerned about living with them like that. What did you decide in the end?

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

OMG a handover date!!!!!!! That's amazing!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! Even if they don't stick to it it means they have a finite list of things to do that…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
how much would you spend on a fridge?

I doubt any fridge would last forty years but I reckon you already know what you want and are trying to justify it hahaha. ;)

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
light fixtures make a difference when selling???

Do you mean they are just bare bulbs in the ceiling? Yes I think some inexpensive light fittings will help avoid the "half finished/rush job" feel to the house.

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our Rocky Forever Home - couple of pics

Thanks everyone. I've come around to the tiles in general however I am still disappointed in them, because it seems the white of the tiles is a really cool white,…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

Has he subcontracted out the build? Is that usual?

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Leanne's Baldivis Build - Deck Area Update

I too am inspired.
Leanne how do you organise your extra sheets and bedding? I can never get my lining cupboard looking nice because however I fold things they always…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

:o I'm speechless......
Have you sought legal advice?? Not sure what that would achieve but it seems appropriate!! :s

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Regatta 2920 (Planbuild -Brisbane) - Handover complete :)

Yay for kitchen!! Looking great. :)

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Simonds Sierra in SA - We've moved in! NEW pics

Hi Deluxes, have only just found your thread, looking awesome!! Along with everyone else I love the raised ceiling :) I'll be following!!

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
CountryHome's country build pg 16 we are in!! :)

Yaay how exciting about imminent start!!

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
"Transitional" style lighting in Australia - where??

Have you looked at lightinthebox.com? I think they have a lot like that.

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
"Transitional" style lighting in Australia - where??

Can you post examples of the types of lights you're after? Confusing description.

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
CountryHome's country build pg 16 we are in!! :)

Just read your first post again about your 18 month old. Lovely! :)

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
CountryHome's country build pg 16 we are in!! :)

Oooh congratulations CountryHome!!! How exciting! Wow that will be a busy time for you haha. I can't remember, is this your first?
Pretty exciting about a slab only being a…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our Rocky Forever Home - couple of pics

SUMMARY: I'll try to update this from time to time.
My hubby and I are looking to build our "forever home" (well, 20 year home anyway) for ourselves and our two…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our Custom Redink Home Baldivis...POOL & Kitchen PHOTOS!

P.s. Love the piccies, love the splash back and the central pool!

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our Custom Redink Home Baldivis...POOL & Kitchen PHOTOS!

Interesting thanks for the explanation haha. My hubby is away on a locum job at the moment but it's not a permanent thing. I'm not sure I'd manage to stay…

11 years11 yearsEmyNEmyN posted:
Our Rocky Forever Home - couple of pics

Thanks SlightlyRandom and Evec!
Thanks Cinquain and Trees for your reassurance about three kids hehehe. I'm feeling a bit less shocked but trying not to think too much about it…

Joined homeone
21 February 2013

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