Building in SA
Amazing Amymumma! Looks beautiful, so light and elegant you must be very happy. Sounds like moving day was an eventful one! Hoping your all healthy…

_lucinda's house
House looks great Lucinda! Your colour choices work well together the driveway looks great too!

FH's Custom Build
Wow looking great! So good to see the painter has started! Our builds are a little back to front haha, we have our tiles done but no eaves or painter,…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Hi everyone, quick update as life has been busy over the Christmas/holiday period!
We had our tiles all laid and finished before Christmas which was great, we are really happy with…

FH's Custom Build
Yes totally understand about leaving all your timber out in the weather..
I hope your feeling better tomorrow, i think you should get your second fix before christmas, ours was fairly…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
I was hoping the tiling might be done before Christmas! Maybe to ambitious?

_lucinda's house
Wow lots of progress for you Lucinda, everything looks great
Im sure the hole will be a distant memory for you one day! So glad you…

FH's Custom Build
Wow what a bed you will have! Will look fantastic
Sounds like you've been playing the waiting game for the last week or so too...bring on…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Thankyou Lucinda, Tasha and Davelle
We are going to leave the handle as is in the laundry, its not to much of a big deal.
Just a…

FH's Custom Build
Everything looks great! All the walls make it a home now Glad to know the flushers were there straight away. You will get your kitchen…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Thank you!! I can't wait to see your cabinetry - I'm sure it will be amazing
And thats exactly what we will be doing in the…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Hi all!
Can't believe how busy life has just become! There has been a lot of progress happening in the last 2 weeks. The bricks are about 2/3rds of the way…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Everything has been flying along lately! Pics to come soon, but brickie is almost half way through now, all looks great. And house is flushed and the second fix carpentry…

first home - fairmont homes_floor tiles
Wow the pace has certainly picked up now! Looks great! Cant wait to see your kitchen

Metricon Mt Barker Build @ The Grove - Finally Ours
Wow! So many changes and all for the better Davelle! So happy for you both, love your selections! M seems to have a good standard range too! Good luck with…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Thankyou Davelle! hope things are going well for you, havnt had a chance to read through your thread yet! But now is a good chance…

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Haha i was just thinking the same after reading your thread, non the less we seem to be on par with our builds

FH's Custom Build
Wow your bricks look amazing!! They compliment your timber windows beautifully

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Thankyou FairmontSA, yes very happy with the progress..just hanging out to see how the bricks will look!

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Hi all, thought i would update things with a few pics
Electrical, insulation and gyprock all completed within the last week! So exciting to see it…

Building in SA
Exciting Amy! cant wait to see the pics, feature wall for fireplace is divine

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
That would suit me just fine!!

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Thankyou EmyN the roof colour is called monument

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Im not sure FairmontSA?! Maybe the plumbing? or house wrap? or bricks? something hopefully!

first home - fairmont homes_floor tiles
Looking very good! lots of progress glad they sorted your slab out properly before they put your frames up!

First Home builders with Fairmont Homes
Been a little slack lately with the posts! Life is so busy sometimes
We have a roof that we are so happy with!…

FH's Custom Build
Looks great! Love the front door frame, wish we had got glass side panels now ourselves!
Seems Frank is on the ball with your home and…