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Joined 6 July 2009
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14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

I didn't think we'd forgotten anything.... Until last week!
Really wishing now that we'd opted for the vegie sprayer type tap with the pull out hose for the laundry sink. …

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Eminence Estate at Doreen

It absolutely will be built. The only question is when. These governmental funding squabbles and delays are so frustrating :evil:

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Letterbox position

That's exactly right. I think definitely put it to the right of the driveway dollar. :)

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Letterbox position

Same. We wanted to hide our water meter. Works a treat.
Show us a drawing or pic dollar :)

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Neighbours retaining wall

Oh I see :th:
I don't know then! :(

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

Thanks! I need to post some more pics as I've put river pebbles in now :D
Most of our plants are from Plantmark…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Neighbours retaining wall

But if the retaining wall is on the boundary doesn't that mean you won't have to retain and therefore you'll be saving heaps of money because they have done it…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
H and Mick's Lexington Q1......Landscaping Pics....

Looks fantastic!
Pot drawer envy x2 :D I wish I had that many!
Can't you choose your style of kitchen anymore??????

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
room sizes

The only minimum rule we employed when looking at floor plans was that minor bedrooms had to be at least 3m x 3m, and the master bedroom space had to…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
D & D's Henley Monaco- PCI done! Re-inspection Friday 4th!

Looking amazing :: Particularly love your kitchen.
Can't believe how gross under the bath is?! Makes me think... Ours is probably the same- ew…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
deciding on what to go in the floor plan

One other thing to keep in mind is that a lot of those volume builder 3/4 bedroom homes have options lists/booklets that have ideas for expanding the space of the…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Turf Suppliers in Melb?

Depends where you're located?
Even though they are similar in price I suppose you save on delivery if you went through a supplier nearby. A place near us that has…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Please recommend a plant

Good question... :th: :th: Not sure! Mum's have only been in her garden for a year and…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:

If they are down the hill from you, then is their patio area cut into the slope? Is there a retaining wall? If there is, they should have…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
What is the coolest thing you've found in your garden?

::smile:: ::smile:: Well aren't you just cute as a button?!!!! I love that you love possums and all the…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Henley & Contractors during construction

This is a touchy area, as there are lots of legal issues involved.
I think it best I send you through a reply via PM

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Please recommend a plant

They're an excellent mum and daughter plant :lol: They have them at Diamond Valley Garden Centre. The lady we had create a landscape…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Manda's Henley Monterey Q3!

What a cool looking facade! I noticed on the Henley website the other day (friends of ours are building now and I was playing that pathetic game of 'if…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Please recommend a plant

You're right, that pic wasn't very good. I found some more when I googled the proper name- 'little john' azalea. If you prefer foliage to flowers (I do…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Please recommend a plant

We have red flax grass at the front of our place (see thread). It only grows about 60cm. It sounds like it might be a bit strappy looking…

Please recommend a plant
14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
D & D's Henley Monaco- PCI done! Re-inspection Friday 4th!

Looking really good guys :D
Did they fix the stain on the front door yet? I notice in your photos that your timber…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

Thanks Stormy :D That's exactly what I want along our living windows- we won't be having curtains, I want something white and blossum-y…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
HELP- Retaining Walls- Law vs Folklore

Hi Genna :)
I can sympathise with how frustrated you must be! I'm not sure I know the correct answer to your question, but have…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Silver or white windows with white plantation shutters

Not from the inside! If they're going to face the street though, you might want to get the white and white so they match? :)

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

Yesterday we visited the nursery to look at which types of mulch, pebbles and gravel we might like to get for the side of the house... and on a whim…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

Native gardenia? I had never seen one of them until I just looked it up now :) The website I suggested has…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Bedroom theme - now with actual pics

:: :: Stunning! Love the placement of the pictures above your bed. Our bed wall is still nude...…

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

Planted out a bit more of the garden today. Not much point posting pics as I saw the entire neighbourhood drive past!!!! :D

14 years14 yearsFelistopherFelistopher posted:
Is it ok to put stakes around your lawn??

:lol: Bring on the crash tackling of the huge tree :lol: Unfortunately they only prey on the young trees/lawn ay…

Joined homeone
6 July 2009

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