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18 Posts
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Joined 1 September 2020
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Is this recessing possible?

Our main Bathroom and Master Ensuite are located next to each other. The bath tub (in main bathroom) is positioned next to a wall that is shared with the shaving…

2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Recent pre-construction timeline with volume builders

For those that have gone through it in the past year, or still going through it, what's your pre-construction experience been like?
We're currently awaiting for our tender presentation, but…

2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Floor Plan Feedback

The neighboring lot has a 0.9m maintenance easement. So hopefully a 3-4m distance is enough to bring in some NE sunlight?
Would be a bonus if they decide to build just…

2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Floor Plan Feedback

We are looking to build in Sydney and have made some modifications from an existing builder's floor plan.
We would like to get any suggestions or feedback if there are any…

Floor Plan Feedback
2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Pouring concrete over easement

Below is a picture of my block of land (zero lot) located in Sydney.
There is a 0.9m easement on the right-hand side. This easement is for maintenance and access for…

Pouring concrete over easement
2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Cost of temporary fencing in Sydney

Does anyone know what the average rate is for temporary fencing in Sydney?
We are currently awaiting our block of land (300sqm, 10m width) to register (ETA early 2023) and have…

2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Floor Plan Feedback

WOW! Thank you so much for taking the time to draw up your recommendation, really appreciative!
I definitely like your layout more, and it also utilizes the natural light with the…

Floor Plan Feedback
  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Floor Plan Feedback

I have tweaked a builder's existing floor plan to our preference (link below), and would appreciate any feedback or suggestions before we engage with the builder.
- The build is…

Floor Plan Feedback
3 years3 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Access to backyard on a narrow lot

Our lot is a 10m width (zero lot boundary).
The house design we are looking to build is 8.27m wide. This will leave us with around 1.53m for the side fence.

3 years3 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Anything wrong with this land before I purchase?

So I pieced together the plans from neighboring lots, and it appears the contour lines are actually 0.25m apart. See updated markups below.
Essentially 4 contour lines are:
- Front of house…

Anything wrong with this land before I purchase?
3 years3 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Anything wrong with this land before I purchase?

We are looking to build the Atlantis 26 from Fowler Homes - https://www.fowlerhomes.com.au/home_design/atlantis/
My main concern is the contour level. It appears there is a decline slope…

Anything wrong with this land before I purchase?
3 years3 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Can this easement affect my house build?

I have a lot with a 12.5m frontage, however, there is a 0.9m easement along one side.
The house build that I am interested requires a minimum width of 12.5m.
Will the…

3 years3 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Building at Willowdale

Hi Everyone,
We’re looking at purchasing the next land release, which the sales agent speculates in late Feb, pending council approvals.
Is the selection process for an appointment based on ballot or…

3 years3 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Stockland - Land Release Process

Me and my wife (FHB's) are very interested in purchasing land at one of Stockland's master-planned estates in Sydney.
Just wondering if someone who has gone through this could please share…

4 years4 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Loan for H&L Package - Where to start?

Hi All, Newbie here.
Me and my partner are interested in a H&L Package offered by a particular builder. It is currently advertised for $1.3 million on the builder's website.
We project…

4 years4 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Best suburb to build in Sydney?

Which suburb meets the below criteria? This is for a PPOR, hopefully a forever home.
- Not in a flood zone
- Not in a bushfire zone
- Structurally sound (i.e., not previously…

4 years4 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Ventilating storage room under the stairs

Ideally it'll be great if I didn't need any, though I'd probably still add a grille at the bottom of the door for peace of mind.
Do you have a…

4 years4 yearsfhbnewbiefhbnewbie posted:
Ventilating storage room under the stairs

So I'm planning to put a server rack inside the storage room under the stairs. The room is quite spacious, running about 2 metres deep, however there is no ventilation…

Joined homeone
1 September 2020

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