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Joined 26 July 2009
Junior Member
13 years13 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Refund of Deposit Amount - CHANGED!!!

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to get some advise from you guys in regards to my refund amount....
8 weeks ago I decided that I was not going to build now and asked…

13 years13 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Refund of Deposit amount - CHANGED!!!

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to get some advise from you guys in regards to my refund amount....
8 weeks ago I decided that I was not going to build now and asked…

13 years13 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
The CARLISLE HOMES & SPECTRA General Information Thread

Hi Guys,
Need some feedback from you guys...
Received contract today from Carlisle.....building 40sq double story T range house. Couple of queries/concerns I have if you guys can help;
1. Contract states completion…

13 years13 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
The CARLISLE HOMES & SPECTRA General Information Thread

Hi Everyone,
I just needed to get your opionion on the below item....
I am building with CH - a T range home and have noted that unlike most of the builders…

13 years13 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Telephone points and trench

Hi Everyone,
I just needed to get your opionion on the below item....
I am building with CH - a T range home and have noted that unlike most of the builders…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Bank Stuffup - pls advise my rights/powers

Hi Guys,
I have some serious issue here. I requested the bank to issue a cheque for my settlement in the next few days. When we called the bank to confirm…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Guys,
I have some serious issue here. I requested the bank to issue a cheque for my settlement in the next few days. We we confirmed when we would receive…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

THanks SSAZ,
Do you go straight to the PD office after the inspection with your SS? I just want to understand if the CSA is expecting us on that day and…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi All the good people,
I just needed to understand what happens on the settlement day. I am meeting me SS at the site for final inspection in the morning, do…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Jess,
I tried to talk to my SS and CSA regarding the installation of Appliances. They were not at all flexible in getting the installation done prior to handover. They…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

I also confirmed this with the building commission and they also confirmed for me that the construction is not complete wthout appliances installation.
Also got a reply from my CSC and…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Post subject: Re: Porter Davis homesPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:34 am

Silver Member

Joined: 08 Oct 2009
Posts: 328
Location: SE Melb Lunchtime wrote:
I called the…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thanks all for your response.
I have shot an email to my CSC and SS to get this installed prior to handover - will let you know their response soon.

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thats exactly my concern and thus needed to clarify.
Does anyone knowwhat is standard practise though?? Do you think that rightly so this needs to be installed prior settlement.
Not sure if…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Everyone,
I am building with PD and had my PCI today. My SS mentioned that all the appliances (rangehoods, stoves, hot water, ducted vaccum unit etc) will be done on…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Installation of Appliances - post Handover???

Hi Everyone,
I am building with PD and had my PCI today. My SS mentioned that all the appliances (rangehoods, stoves, hot water, ducted vaccum unit etc) will be done on…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

As part of the promotion we got the 10 point evaporative cooling from porter davis (double story house). I was earching thru the contract docs and promotion brouchers but could…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Stairs stain partial or full??

Hi Everyone,
Just noticed today while peeping through the windows that the stairs were stained but only partial. I am having carpet runner in the middle of the stairs and therefore…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Location of Hanging lights above island bench - wrong!!

Hi Jess,
I have had a chat with my SS and he has informed me that the location of this cant be changed. He was refering me to the dislaimer in…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Location of Hanging lights above island bench - wrong!!

Hi Everybody,
I am building with PD, and am close to PCI/Handover. On my recent visit to the property, I noted that the location of the 3 hanging lights above the…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Location of Hanging lights above island bench - wrong!!

Hi Everybody,
I am building with PD, and am close to PCI/Handover. On my recent visit to the property, I noted that the location of the 3 hanging lights above the…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Exposed Aggregate colour - Help needed

Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if you guys could help in advising as to what colour exposed aggregate might go really well with bricks of my house.
I have a doublr storey…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Everyone,
It has come to my attention, that my builder (PD) is allowing prospective buyers to inspect my house without my knowledge. My house is almost nearing PCI. Over the…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
House under Construction used by builder as Display house??

Hi Everyone,
It has come to my attention, that my builder (PD) is allowing prospective buyers to inspect my house without my knowledge. My house is almost nearing PCI. Over the…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
what could this be?????

Hi Everyone,
On my recent visit to the house I have noticed an external outlet from the top floor with two white pipes and power switch next to it with an…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Different heights for Internal door and openings - Is it Ok?

Hi ed,
The openings are internal openings (These are like hallway openings, no doors attached - I have a very open living area and these create a very open look). the…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Different heights for Internal door and openings - Is it Ok?

Hi everyone,
I just need some advise from you....I an building with PD and on my recent visit to my house I noticed that the internal door height (standard 2040) and…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Alumunuim Sliding Door Handles - Advice needed!!

Hi Everyone,
My Alumunium sliding door haas been installed ( I have 3 of them in total). I picked the colour Jasper but have noticed that the door handles have come…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Washing Machine Tap Location - please advise

Hi Everybody,
I have just been informed by my SS that the plumber was in last week and there is a slight problem with the location of the washing machine taps.…

14 years14 yearsfoundationfoundation posted:
Window Winder colour!!!

Hi Everyone,
I am currently building with PD and the windows have been installed. The colour I picked and as stated in the colour schedule is Jasper but I have noticed…

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26 July 2009

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