Banging noise in roof at night
Possums. um, banging in the roof space...
Masterton Homes - The new thread 3.0
Masterton as a company can not sue for defamation as it is too large. But if you defame individual employees eg " Jim is a crook" then Jim can sue…
Our Benham 33 journey
Hi Dusseldorf
Completely agree on your comments on customer service.
Congratulations on getting them down - as Rawson is a builder I am considering, would you mind sharing how you managed…
What do you think makes a house feel 'special'?
KIds and laughter
And lots of light, and being open helps
Masterton Clovelly - Driveway done need grass!
Hi dsa39
Amazing how quick they are moving. I think there is a lack of work around at the moment so the tradies move quickly from one site to another.
We are…
do we need garage?
Most of the houses in my street were built 80 years ago so do not have garages. We have never had a garage so have never missed one. That said…
Neighbours bali hut very close
It's like a cubby house - needs to be 90cm or maybe 1m from the boundary. And a height limit above ground as well
Google "NSW exempt development" and you will…
How much did your house go up from base price to finished sp
I agree, I think they should have all the costs for each display home prominently displayed with the break down of those costs. After a lot of digging and requests…
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins
We are getting quotes at the moment before deciding on a builder. The Edge is one of the houses we like but given the upgrade costs will probably be too…
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins
You should be able to get something really good for $550-600k including landscaping. The specs of the edge are very high thus so expensive.
I don't think it makes sense to…
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins
Landscaping is extra
Probably 40k or more for the display home
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins
We got a a list of upgrades in the display house and had to estimate a few such as flooring and electrical because they missed some. They also forgot some…
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins
Display house is about $650k so if your total budget is $1.2m that leaves $550k for land.
Second storey extension - cost of plans
I paid about $3k for the first two for a major renovation and that was an architect which are generally much better than designers.
New fence etiquette
But do you or the house above B have a common boundary with A - if not, I cant see why they would even think of paying to paint a…
Finding housing during renovation
Have you considered a kennel for the dogs for six weeks? Or a pet minding service to go to your existing house if you have a secure area for the…
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins
Was at display house at weekend and Rawson have a new brochure out and actually have prices quoted including site costs up to 1m fall and block up to 700sqm…
New fence etiquette
Or if the quote for just the fence is $3,000 then you and your neighbour can bid for who pays the right to choose the colour of the fence.…
New fence etiquette
Agree to share the cost of putting the fence up and painting one side an alternative colour. Problem solved
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!
Hi Carak
If it helps we have a similar fall and are putting in a step down. Depending where the slope is, you can cut at the front have a modest…
Critique my plans
HI Kylie40
I wrote a long reply on my iphone on the bus home but lost it...
Thanks for the comprehensive reply
Re the window in the middle of the north wall…
Rock Excavation and Export does it cost $30K?
The density of sandstone is about 2,500 kg or 2.5 tonnes per cubic meter so 1,200 tonnes is about 480 cubic metres of rock. So if you building site is…
Our Benham 33 journey
Did a quick thread search but no luck - can someone tell me the supplier Rawson uses for timber floors and tiles?
Integrated v standalone fridges & freezers - advice please
That's left field thinking and a very good idea. I will have to look into that. Only problem I can see is the lack of an ice maker which DW…
Integrated v standalone fridges & freezers - advice please
OK a problem.
DW had agreed to all the house designs and specs including kitchen specs however has now informed me that she wants one of those water dispenser things on…
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!
So is there a clause in the Wisdom contract restricting Internet comments or not? Perhaps you could post it here?
Btw The Wisdom guy at Homeworld was very helpful and…
Flat Roof - Builder says we can't have ducted heating/coolin
Don't know the size but from talking to our sales guy the impact of a flat roof I that some ducting goes through cupboards
Flat Roof - Builder says we can't have ducted heating/coolin
We are going through tender stage now
The system specified heats and calls.
Flat Roof - Builder says we can't have ducted heating/coolin
Yes double storey. A tempo elite by Masterton.
The display home has ducted aurcon