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Joined 18 September 2016
Gold Member
4 months4 monthsGLOGLO posted:
Integrating IP intercom with digital lock

Old thread but did anyone come up with anything?

3 years3 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Builder wants camera removed from site

I had a camera monitoring my build.
It caught other trades jumping the fencing and pinching materials.
When I spoke to my site supervisor, he said 'don't worry, you will not incur…

3 years3 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Are NSW COVID restrictions impacting the build/remedial work

I hope you get your piers and slabs down now, as it has been at least few weeks for trades that could return to uninhabited building sites.
If its any consolation,…

3 years3 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Are NSW COVID restrictions impacting the build/remedial work

Thank Simeon,
I am seeing a disturbing increase of business' referring to the NSW Public Health Order as a reason to delay progress.
The irony is that the work wont go away,…

3 years3 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Are NSW COVID restrictions impacting the build/remedial work

Are builders still working? Or citing that they cant due to Covid restrictions?

3 years3 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Are NSW COVID restrictions impacting the build/remedial work

Hi all,
For NSW today is considered Freedom day for those that are double vaccinated.
For the rest, that day is Dec 1, 2021 where both vaccinated and un-vaccinated can co-exist without…

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Seals for garage doors

B&D sent out one if their contractors who adjusted it by setting the panel door to push down harder on the bottom in order to get the top panel to…

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We also have the Manhattan 44 Ens with the $50K signature package upgrade.
All 5 bathrooms have floor to ceiling tiling. And we dont regret that part.

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Seals for garage doors

I have the B&D Icon which comes with rubber seals all round.
We are at the top off the street and occasionally get the hot and dusty westerly winds blowing directly…

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

What i am looking for is:
How your built in Wardrobe is shown on your plan?
And how it is 'written into the contract"

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Has anyone added built in wardrobes to their build?
Id like to compare a couple of things.

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Help choosing a walk-in pool enclosure

A quick search found this.
https://designershadesolutions.com.au/r ... skylights/
Hope it helps.

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Help choosing a walk-in pool enclosure

Thinking about your requirements, possibly consider retracting glass roof.
But you also want it completely enclosed on the sides too.

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Any other suggestions?

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
How long should Render last before cracks (not settlement)

I am lead to believe thqat the cheapest option for the original renderer is to apply a primer and then Rockcote over the top.
Apparently that will be less than stripping…

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

We wouldn’t want that given we only moved into our forever home 11months ago.
Any suggestions to how to combat the increased wear from working from home during Covid.
Upstairs is carpeted…

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

This is the usual traffic to master bedroom.
With 10mm premium underlay.

I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?
4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Yes I believe it is a wool blend.
This is a low/no traffic section

I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?
4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?

Hi Michelle,
Im looking for recommendations as I have moved into our forever home and with COVID have been working from home for the past 6 months.
My dilemma is, upstairs is…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Pool fencing

What happened?

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Pool Fencing with Boundary Fence Help

I have a question.
Given that pool fencing needs to be 1200mm high with no gaps larger than 100mm but if your pool uses a perimeter fence, that needs to…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
How long should Render last before cracks (not settlement)

Yes agreed, unfortunately the building did not share the option with us.
this is our first build and our forever home.

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
How long should Render last before cracks (not settlement)

Hi Stewie,
Sorry i missed the replies here.
The house faces west.
Whilst i appreciate settlement cracks, the render has obvious spidering cracks so much that virtually everyone notices it as the come…

4 years4 yearsGLOGLO posted:
How long should Render last before cracks (not settlement)

I am looking for some experience here around facade render finish (not acrylic) over brickwork.
I have been told that render needs maintenance and probably lasts 5-10 years before…

5 years5 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Help me Brainstrust: Ecobee4 Compatability

Following as I have just installed a Haiku Fan and have an Actron Unit with 8 zones and would love to link them up via ecobee!

5 years5 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Protecting your Slab

Hi John,
I can offer some assistance from experience having recently built but I’m sure others (such as Norfolk etc) will have more scientific references than I.
The yellow line appears…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Solar Panels Instead Roof Tiles - Experiences?

My upgraded Wisdom Home package I opted for the $7950 1.5kw Bristile (33x 45w)solar tile package with Fronius inverter.
I added 4 extra solar tiles to make it 1.665kw. (45w tiles)…

5 years5 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Price increase - Legit or Sales tactics?

Price increases tend to be a balance of both tradie costs and sales process.
The premium builder we used had several price increases from the time we started to the time…

5 years5 yearsGLOGLO posted:
Home Security Camera options

The whole idea of a public forum is to share thoughts and questions. NOT address'
I agree that it is a gold mine of information, but that it what forums are…

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