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Joined 6 April 2010
Gold Member
7 years7 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Suggestions for plants for near the pool & alfresco

Whereabouts are you located? That area looks like it would get pretty hot in summer and the soil quality doesn't look wonderful so your suggestion of agaves would probably work.…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
4-6m tropical screening plants around plunge pool

If you want something with sufficient height to screen out that house then bamboo is probably the way to go (note: clumping type only so it doesn't take over your…

8 years8 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Dwarf Lime Tree Leaf Curl

Possibly a watering issue? My lime tree (also in a pot) lost all its leaves and then grew them back after being deprived of water for a while

8 years8 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Plant Recommendation - Low Border & Pleached Hedges

Hi all,
I realise I'm coming to this conversation a bit late and unsure if the OP is still around but have you considered pleaching bamboo? (the clumping type, obviously) I…

8 years8 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Pulling out Magnolia Little

Little gems are very popular these days but I agree your ones look a bit...ah...spindly lol.
If I were you I'd advertise them on something like Gumtree and see if you…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Frangipani Tree Location!!!

A quick google search tells me that the tree you have can grow between 2 and 8 metres so it may be a bit large for a small backyard. However…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Help with choice of deciduous tree!

Could you maybe clarify what you mean by "small to middle size"? Most genuine trees can get quite large thus you may not want them planted right next to your…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Building warranty period?

As outlined in the Act; the 10 year period relates to the bringing of "building actions" (a lawsuit against the builder for negligence or something similar). That is a very…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Ideas on utilising the side of my house/land

Hi Phil,
I really like the look of your block with lots of established trees - will be interested to see the build progress.
With respect to your question, I'd be…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Front Landscaping - tree/shrub suggestions please!

Hi Megara,
Just an idea but my front yard is similar to yours (slight slope, west facing so gets the hot afternoon sun) and I'm also located in Victoria and I…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Struggling Cycad Revoluta

Yeah I think we all miss Fu :( I've noted there are not a whole lot of gardeners on this forum; Beatrixkiddo often has some great…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Exciting Day Today, But Not Sure About This Change

I've got just fly screens on my house and am really happy with them. IMHO having the metal mesh of the "security" door interferes with the view and also how…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Door Seals

I think what you are looking for is called weather seal or weather strip; comes in either foam or rubber and goes around external doors and windows to stop drafts.…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Garden Photos

Looking good Steph ::lol:: Why people plant ivy I will never understand! I lived in the Dandenongs (Victoria) as a child and we used to…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Plant Suggestions please - Picture of my Home

Hi Marsh86,
You might get some replies if you specify things such as: where is your house? (suburb/state) Which way does this garden face? (north, south, east, west) and are there…

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Feature tree in Brisbane - suggestions please!

A jacaranda? I just love their purple flowers and the fern-like foliage is beautiful. But they do grow pretty big - you haven't mentioned how much room you have.

9 years9 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Lilly Pillys dying off (last 3-4 weeks)

I tend to agree with the frost damage assessment. Just because a plant says it is "tolerant" of frost doesn't mean it will survive a winter as cold as the…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Best way to get an offer

This is just my personal view but if I was looking at the house I'd see 2 main issues:
1. The Waterford Rise estate (which I think you are in?) is…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Any Tips on saving after handover ??

I have to say, if you're thinking about downlights and chandeliers there's probably not much of the electrical stuff you can do yourself. In my home I simply put in…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Need help choosing plants for front garden

Hi Alex,
Posting a pic of the garden bed in question might get you a few more replies.
If you want a grass you could try something like a lomandra? (there are…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Fridge Space too Small

It might help if you tell everyone exactly how much of a "will not fit" problem you have. For example are we just talking about the fridge being a few…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Electrical post hand over for single storey

I suggest you get a quote from your builder and decide what you want/can afford to upgrade (if anything). Just be aware that builders' margin can make upgrades really exy.…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Meterbox position on narrow block

Hmm, I'm not a huge fan of either option but I see you have little choice due to your zero boundaries. Is the meter box able to be easily camouflaged?…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Short cherry blossom trees to run up side of house?

I've been looking at getting one of these for the corner of my front yard - might be a good option for you also? http://www.flemings.com.au/ornamental_d ...…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Moving boxes - free to a good home!

Taken already but thanks for your interest!

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Magnolia - Melbourne

Most nurseries will sell magnolias of one kind or another; especially the "little gems" which are exceeding popular (including as council street trees) at the moment. I personally prefer the…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
BRICKS! utterly confused

Hi TashPaul,
I'm not a huge fan of brown having lived through the 80's (mission brown anyone? ::wink:: ) so I went for red bricks on…

10 years10 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Basic garden startup

What kind of Magnolia are you talking about? (lots of different types in the grandiflora genus) Is there a reason why you don't want to plant them in the ground…

11 years11 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Tiles OR FLoorBoard

Have a search through previous threads as this topic has been discussed numerous times before. Here's an example to get you started: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=73034&p=1225204

11 years11 yearsgrom40grom40 posted:
Some inclusion questions

I'll respond using your numbering for ease of reference:
1) all the builder has to supply (to get an occupancy permit) is tiling to wet areas, otherwise floor coverings can be…

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