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Joined 21 March 2012
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9 years9 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Outdoor Screen for Alfresco area.

I have the Freedom screens and they were expensive but they are great.
I had a blind similar to the ziplock at the last house and they were a PIA.
So inconvenient…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Screens for corner (pillarless) sliding doors

Have you thought of screening the alfresco rather than the doors?
That way you can use the area all summer, day or night without the flies and mossies.

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Anyone else less than impressed by modern homes these days?

You will see a huge ultra-modern home built amongst 30-40 year old homes and it sticks out like a sore thumb, I think they need to be built in estates…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Alfresco orientation - north or west facing?

We had a west facing alfresco in our previous house and couldn't use it in the summer because of the extreme heat and the bugs.
Can it go in the middle…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
what window furnishings for skinny wide window above bed?

This window is 600 x 2400

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
What have you done down the side of your house ?

Hi Hootie
Where we buy our supplies they sell by the tonne. We recently bought some 20mm blue metal and it cost $47 a tonne. What you see in the photo…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
What have you done down the side of your house ?

Get the occasional weed but not enough to waste money on plastic lining.
When the dog digs and makes a mess we just rake the stones back in place.

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
What have you done down the side of your house ?

Hi poohbear
A local bloke did all the outside work around our place and he bought everything from a wholesale nursery so I don’t know the exact cost but I can…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
What have you done down the side of your house ?

Your area looks similar in size to ours. We only go down there to pick up doggy dos.
We had white pebbles and stepping stones down the side of our first…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Swimming pool maintenance during knock down rebuild?????

We had a pool installed in 1994 so were in this situation when we did a KDR in 2004.
We put a fence around the pool but one of our…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Used the wrong weed and feed on my palmetto (buffalo) lawn

For your future reference:-
We had a problem with weeds and the runners from another breed of grass growing in our Palmetto.
When we spoke to the gardening expert at Bunnings she…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Cheap plant/landscape ideas around pool needed...pls!

Most places will recommend bamboo for screening, grows tall and fast.
Look for plants Wollongong on Gumtree, there are some available at the moment at Dapto.
Ask friends and neighbours for cuttings,…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Identification help

I think 4walls is correct.
Check this link.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gorenje-14-HY-8 ... rds=HANDLE

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Help with grey interior walls please!

I'd probably lean towards the cool grey.

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Fan lights and bedroom solutions

Three of the fans use R7S bulbs and the other two use T5 22W.
Most fans are unattractive but when you do come across one that looks "nice" it unfortunately has…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Wall tiles or splash back?

If I were you I would delay the start of renovations until you are more enlightened and know what you want.
You need to visit as many display homes as possible…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Help with grey interior walls please!

Some random shots in different lights.
Walls - Bleaches half
Skirts - Bleaches quarter gloss

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Fan lights and bedroom solutions

This is what we did in our second and current build:-
Beds 1, 2, 3 – Fans with lights, bedside lamps, remotes (basic with no LCD screen as they chew the…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
31c ceiling, how high is it in feet?

Let me ask the naysayers the following questions.
When you're at the beach how high are the waves?
When you are in an aircraft how is the pilot measuring his altitude?
When you…

10 years10 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Cost for supply & install reverse cycle split system

No-one else has offered any advice so I will tell you what ours cost even though it was installed at the end of 2011 and the model is probably superceded.

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Door hardware on pivot doors

During our build we received this email from our builders:-
"It has come to our attention that we have specified the same door handle and roller bolt style latch to your…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Sink Strainer Plugs Not Holding Water

Thanks for the tip bluebettie99.
I sent hubby down to the big green shed today in search of the replacement seals.
He returned with a packet of Kinetic ASSORTED BASKET STRAINER WASHERS.

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:

I prefer WIR but make sure they are big enough. A huge majority of the plans on here show a small L shaped WIR and believe me the clothes for…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
how much would you spend on a fridge?

We came into some dough in 2005 and lived in a dump so we did a KDR and decided our sh!tty furniture and white goods had to go as well.

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Insect screens for tricky stacker door situation

Like Saint Mike, we installed Freedom Screens, but instead of putting them on the doors we put them around the alfresco.
When the first flies appear we pull them across,…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
HELP - Pantry fit out

I have one shelf 724mm above the bench in my pantry, it had to be that high because of two fixed windows, it is 450 deep but I can only…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
relocating dishwashing machine to butlers pantry

I would move the fridge up the top, then the cooktop, then have the main sink at the bottom opposite the butlers pantry. No second sink required.
You could have the…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
Show me your grey walls!

As no-one else has posted a reply I will show you some pics of our walls in different lights. Even though it is not a popular colour on this forum…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
D'oh!! misaligned ensuite basins

The obvious way to fix it is to move the whole vanity to the left and centre the window between the basins but I gather that is not possible?
The brickwork…

11 years11 yearsgrumblebum54grumblebum54 posted:
creating a concrete step for exit door

We are in the Wollongong area and also on a sloping block so we had to have drop edge beams which meant steps were required outside the laundry. Our build…

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