8 months8 monthsHappyDoc posted:
Terracotta roof replacement
Terracotta roof replacement
We're looking at replacing the roof of a heritage listed home so it needs to be terracotta tiles, wondering if anyone has any recommendations, hints or tips?
Is there a particular…
2 years2 yearsHappyDoc posted:
Better Built Homes
Better Built Homes
I know someone who built a Jamieson 27 in Kingsgrove with Better Built Homes, I'm not sure if the poor quality and design is due to them trying to cut…
2 years2 yearsHappyDoc posted:
Cost of Double Storey Home in Sydney
Cost of Double Storey Home in Sydney
Hi Everyone,. first time posting here after reading posts for the last couple of years
We are finally looking at building and granted it's poss the worst time given all the…
Joined homeone
5 September 2022