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39 Posts
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Central Vic
Joined 19 October 2016
Junior Member
7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Which wood heater? Aus vs Chinese made

All things considered, a free standing heater will do a better job that an inbuilt one. A fan makes them even better.
I operate an Australian made Arrow 2400 and heat…

7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Wood fireplace

Probably if you go to the website of the manfacturer/distributor you will find a manual to tell you what you want.
I have an Arrow heater with 3 speed fan and…

7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Too many windows?

Your last option here looks the best compromise ben888. In design circles it is considered bad form to have the top windows not symetrical with the ones below, all things…

7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:

Hi Geoff
I had western red cedar venetians in a Victorian house, not painted , natural timber. Painted venetians show the dust much more.
Quality ones are not cheap, but they do…

7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Heating aided by thermosyphon airflow

One or two may recall an earlier thread of mine, , on designing your own home. Been in 3 months now and everything is working well.
Part of the reason for…

Heating aided by thermosyphon airflow
7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Leaching tannin.

We've had that problem with tannin from ironbark cladding onto limestone wall and the only thing that would remove it was liquid pool chlorine 50:50 with water and stiff bristle…

7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

Some colour: the timber next to the tiles is red ironbark which will complement the tiles when sanded and coated.

Design your own home
7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

OK, time for another update:
As you can see, things are moving along and the builder says that it should be habitable by the Christmas break. All the limestone walls are…

Design your own home
7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Downpipe at Front Porch - Porter Davis PCI

For downpipes in a sensitive area that don't carry a lot of water, ie. porch, a chain 'downpipe' is a option. It becomes a feature rather than an ugly fixture

Downpipe at Front Porch - Porter Davis PCI
7 years7 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Timber cladding

I've used red ironbark from Queensland on my place. It is laid horizontally - shiplap join. The timber cost around $150/sqm.
The idea is to have minimal maintenance and as such…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
How to remove this top handle

What StructuralBimGuy said, or most/any type of bearing puller.

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

Thanks for that. I'm several months away from needing to use the Scala, but its nice to have some jobs ticked off.
From the instructions: "Adjust the tank precharge pressure…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

There is a small fall from the pumps to the house-maybe 500mm and both pumps feed into separate 1½ inch rural poly pipes so not much head loss there. The…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

Another milestone today: the water is on.
The electricity has been on nearly a year now and the water has been coming from my present home, 3.5kms away, but it comes…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Build a rooftop terrace on top of existing ceiling

Listen to the builders W2160. From my thread on designing you own home:
"One very useful (and somewhat amusing) bit of advise came from my nephew's boss. He owns a…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

About time I did an update. Progress has been slow up to date, but it looks like accelerating now - a few photos to look at.
View looking over the garage…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
What height shower rose?

Thanks for the reply James. I'll do an update on the progress of the house shortly.

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
What height shower rose?

The building is on the go and the bathroom fittings have been chosen (mostly) and so the question is - what height is best for the shower rose? We look…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Plumbing 'shed' toilet

All depends on what the fall is: talk to your plumber about that. My plumber brother often advises customers after he has unblocked their sewer to only use full…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Help! Builder wants to change from raft to waffle slab after

I've got no opinion on your circumstance Ari, but when I was organising my build (on a M class site), the builder, slab engineer and building surveyor all said that…

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Site map - contour map?

Talk to your building surveyor as to his requirements. I'm building on my farm and although I did a contour map myself, I doubt if I really needed to. My…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

Hi James,
I'll have a go at most things, but apart from changing a power point or the like, I'm happy to leave 240V alone. That said I take advise from…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

The Christmas break is long gone now and things are starting to happen. The slab was cured by covering with water for 16 days and has only a few fine…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

Mark and James: PM sent.

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

"A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client". Maybe the same applies for architects, but since I'm not an architect, I cannot use the term.

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Design your own home

First milestone with the slab pour. Had a good team and the job went well. I made some changes in the laundry, but there were no variance fees as I'm…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Verandah Roof Upward Slope

The other thing about valley gutters (which is what you would have) is that if there is a hail storm and the valley fills with ice, the rain that comes…

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:
Water Tanks - Difference to make "drinking" safe

A quick Google tells me that Canberra water charge is around $5/kl, thus your 10,000l tank holds the equivalent of $50 worth of water and you are going to spend…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:

To help keep snake numbers down, don't give them a food supply ie. Chooks = chook feed = mice = snakes. Ditto avaries. Or wetlands = frogs = snakes.

8 years8 yearsHarpiesHarpies posted:

Just some general comments as I'm in Vic. Brown snakes are worthy of great respect: they are lightning fast and have attitude. Ask your prospective neighbours what the snake situation…

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