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Joined 8 March 2016
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6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

Thanks for your reply Rory. I have learnt my lesson. I paid a deposit and the majority on the delivery of the concrete. Once you've handed over…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
planting in the easement

We have a 2 metre easement along our NE facing back fence with 300mm uPVC pipe for stormwater at a depth of 1.08m. I would like to plant something…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

We had our herringbone tiles on our ensuite walls not straight at the ceiling. The ceiling was out of level and given it is square set it should have…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

The concrete company hired a sandblaster to come and see if he could improve the look. He was able to bring out some aggregate but it is still not a…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

Thanks for replying.
Hanson delivered all trucks on time.
I'll post some updates below but if I put a pot plant wherever there was an imperfection I'd have a Jungle with no…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

Thank you for replying. I'll post an update below.

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

Thank you, so do I!

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

It is a company with years of experience and claim to be part of the Master Concreters Association (although I haven't check this claim). I won't name and shame…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

Thanks Corallake.
I have years of experience and training as an incident/problem manager and it has been bugging me that I can't work out what the issue is. Anyway at…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this expected with exposed aggregate?

Thank you. I did expect there to be some variances, but not as much as 50%..

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this exposed aggregate normal?

I am not sure where to post this so I have also posted in driveways...
We have recently had our driveway laid with exposed aggregate. It was a big job 213m2,…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Is this expected with exposed aggregate?

We have recently had our driveway laid with exposed aggregate. It was a big job 213m2, and a couple of trucks were required. After building our dream home,…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Retaining wall (or not)?

We have just had our fences done and the fencer has put a large plinth at the bottom which he has said is suitable to retain. So I guess…

6 years6 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

If your contract build time includes 28 days for Christmas but your build was outside the Christmas period do damages get paid from the build timeframe- the 28days for Christmas?

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis

I would not sign a contract unless the final cost is known.
I hope you have a better experience with your new builder.

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Left over bricks

We have kept a few pallets of our bricks. The SS said we've paid for them, we can keep them or they will dispose of them. We are…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Building defects? Owner?, The law is not your friend!

So if you have a private inspector and defects were picked up but not acted on by the builder is that evidence enough that the builders QA was not adequate?…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Independent Building Inspector

Rum_home, you sound like you are very knowledgable on the subject. We are building with another volume builder and have been invoiced for lock up stage. Although we…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

We have paid extra for the square set so we could have wall to ceiling tiles in the bathroom and ensuite. I'll be peeved if we have unsightly silicone or…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Are gables and Eaves part of Lock up?

We have been invoiced for our lock up but we do not have any handles on our external doors, or locks for that matter. We have a small wall…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis Upgrades

It doesn't cost you anything to get a quote. I'm not sure what the virtual tour is as we didn't get a virtual tour. List all the upgrades…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis Upgrades

Why don't you list the upgrades you want and ask the sales consultant to provide a quote for you. Our sales consultant walked through the display home pointing out…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Heating Ducting routing through alfresco

Our house design has the alfresco in the middle at the back of the house surrounded by 3 walls (hallway, study and family room). Our heating unit is in…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

Oh dear! 57 piers is a lot, we thought 25 was bad enough. Your site fees must be astronomical.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

You probably won't want me telling you this but our independent inspector told us to test for the peers you just need to bang down with a piece of wood…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'd be happy with that. It means you can go through the list together at PCI and make sure it is all complete for handover.

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yeah! congratulations! The slab goes down pretty quickly and the frame will be up before you know it!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Do apprentices need to be supervised by a qualified builder?

As a mother, I would hate to think my son would be left alone all day doing a job when he is supposed to be learning from the expert.
As the…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Do apprentices need to be supervised by a qualified builder?

I've noticed on Friday that I have 2 young boys working on framing our house and they are working again today. Someone dropped off their trailer in the morning…

7 years7 yearsinexp_userinexp_user posted:
Porter Davis homes

That benchtop looks amazing. Great choice.

  ⋅  1

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