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20 Posts
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20PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 13 February 2006
Junior Member
18 years18 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Kit Home or Own Design??

Before considering a kit home please take not of the information on my page at the following address
Good luck

18 years18 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Noisy steel?

Just finished owner building a steel framed house, partially on concrete slabs, partially on a steel floor, all this over a couple of levels.
It's been very hot lately but not…

18 years18 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Comments on kit home companies sought

I won't expand too much, suffice to say that a lot of tradespeople will try to do the least work in the quickest time for the most money. Some…

18 years18 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Comments on kit home companies sought

Just got my internet connection on after several months.
I was silly to put trust in my supplier and eventually went my own way and completed the project, NOT on time…

18 years18 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Using Kitome Pty Ltd

limkimkh, better make sure you have a complete inventory of components and have it checked by your eventual builder before you buy otherwise make sure you have a materials supplier…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

BASIX seems to have a foundation of logical thought but falls down in the implementation.
For instance, in my part of town every new home or major reno must have a…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Please share your experience building a Kit Home

Before deciding on a kit home take a look at my page at the following:-
Most of the problems with kit homes lie in not what they…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

Lisa M
I would be investigating the possibility that because the house is now (maybe) substantially different to the one that the contract represented perhaps there is a case to back…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Looking for a someone to build a kit home

Be very careful about buying kit homes. Have a look at the following page before going ahead. http://www.spin.net.au/~shamash/index.htm

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Why is the fence in the way?

I hope that the builder is paying for the surveyor as it is quite clear from the Act that a fence IS a dividing fence whether it's on the boundary…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

3. We paid extra to get the house made in really nice sand stock bricks, instead of the bottom of the range junk in their plan. .. By the time…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

The bank will only be concerned if the value of materials and labour equals the progress payment requested. The builder might be bit miffed if you tried to hold…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

I don't know for other states but in NSW these type of contracts generally have a 5 day cooling off period that MUST be displayed prominently on the contract. …

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

Did you write into the contract that progress payments will depend on the independant building inspectors report? No need to answer but if not the building reports may not…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Lets get this 'Building a New House' section started!

If anyone is considering a kit home as their first experience of building it might be worth your while to check out my page at http://www.spin.net.au/~shamash

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Looking for information on kit home companies

Couldn't help responding to the thread title by offering some advice on a web page at http://www.spin.net.au/~shamsh
Perhaps off-to-fnq is still around to read it.

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Using Kitome Pty Ltd

If anybody is thinking of going down the kit home path it might pay to check out my page at http://www.spin.net.au/~shamash
Be very careful and ask lots…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Comments on kit home companies sought

Check out my page at http://www.spin.net.au/~shamash before you decide to buy.
Not all KHS are the same and the ones that cannot satisfy the questions you must…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
Building with Steel, Quikafloor,Steeltek

Just put up a steel floor from Stramit Industries. This utilises "C" section joist that sits inside a "C" section bearer.
This floor is not that easy to erect for…

19 years19 yearsissitoqissitoq posted:
New Home Owner Experience - not good

Interesting thoughts on project homes. I've had four built over a number of years and I must say I've been generally pleased with them, perhaps I wasn't so discerning…

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Joined homeone
13 February 2006

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