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113 Posts
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Melbourne, Victoria
Joined 2 February 2010
Senior Member
9 years9 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
How to ensure bedroom sliding windows can open fully

We're looking into this as well. We've just moved into a brand new rental and the upstairs windows only open 85mm. We've emailed the property manager to ask if they…

9 years9 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Climbable Element

I'm looking into this as well. We just moved into a brand new rental and all of the upstairs windows only open 85mm max. As far as I read, I…

12 years12 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Empire Zoysia in Melb?

I just wanted to chime in. I have Sapphire Buffalo in the front and EZ out back. When the seed heads are up on the SB, it's not pleasant to…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Yup, I remember that thread as well. That's why I bought it...Fu recommended it.
And our soil was not some "commonly sold" commercial garbage but from one of the suppliers recommended…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

I got the soil from one of the recommended places in WA. So, I guess if they've been adding poultry manure, then we'd better give others a heads up.
Bentonite and…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it bounced back. Makes me wish I'd put EZ out front as well.

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

I'll post a series of photos and an update.
The EZ:
December 31st.
January 9th.
January 26th.
Today, February 12th. Yes, needs a mow. There's a couple of dry spots, but it seems to be…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Help with our EZ please!

That's great news. Our EZ is almost back to normal as well...looks green and lush again. Our Sapphire is still struggling. Lots of regrowth, but still has dead and yellow…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Help with our EZ please!

Retic works fine.
I assume the lawn is getting enough because the times we have dug down after watering, it is saturated.
Already used two wetting agents.
It's actually looking even better than…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Help with our EZ please!

Ugh. It's crazy hot out there.
December 31
December 31. It actually got WORSE than this...it spread to the centre of the lawn and so about 2/3 of the lawn went yellow…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Help with our EZ please!

I hear you on this too. I have neighbors who did no prep, use chemical commercial fertilizers, and they have no fungal issues. It doesn't seem fair does it?
All I'm…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Help with our EZ please!

Okay, Rizzo...hang in there.
I'm in the other thread with fungal issues and our lawns and my EZ looks a LOT better now.
If I can brave the 40C heat, I'll run…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

He doesn't read packages (well, beyond skimming application rates) everything else is just extraneous info for him... :lol: :lol: Thanks for…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Every seven days hey...better get my husband on that. :th: He did it last time...

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Here's the latest from today:
EZ, original fungal patch to left, almost filled in. New patch in center.
EZ, this was the corner that was almost completely yellow and dead in the…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

:lol: :lol: I loved my lawn into fungus...
Seriously though, it is coming back nicely in the previously affected patches. As long…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Help with our EZ please!

I was going to say that it looks more than just a lack of water...I know when ours gets stressed after a few dry days, the blades go thin and…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Yeah, ours spread too...I don't think we were quick enough with the mancozeb.
The bright side is the original dead patches are about 80% new growth now and recovered (well, in…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

I'd say keep an eye on it to see if it spreads. I suppose if it's not starting to come back in a couple of weeks, then top dressing would…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
which turf for my front yard

Ours went through its first winter here and looked really, really awful but came back just fine in the spring. It had greened up noticeably by October. I can't say…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
which turf for my front yard

We have sapphire buffalo in the front yard and EZ in the back. The EZ seems more resistant to weeds and comes back relatively quickly (as my thread on fungus…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Yeah, I wasn't going to do the mancozeb either but noticed the middle section of the EZ starting to go a little yellow, so I thought I'd try and stop…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Anyone got Sapphire Buffalo in Melbourne northern suburbs

I'm not in Melbourne, but Perth. I have Sapphire Buffalo in the front yard and my neighbor right next to me has SWB.
Honestly, there's not a huge difference. The blade…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

We dosed it with mancozeb over the weekend. I think it is fungal, just my intuition. Some parts of the lawn are not affected at all. And some of the…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

I did part of that already (so it seems I'm on the right track). I've raked and we did seasol and no night watering. Aerated two weeks ago.
I'll look into…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Thanks Beatrix...that thread was very helpful. I recall some of what Fu had said before about lawn beetle always being present and that a healthy lawn should do just fine,…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

Damping off disease? I've only started watering the extra days when it turned yellow.
I'd have thought that our lawns here in Perth are usually more excessively dry than soggy...hmm...
I don't…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

No, no leaking petrol.
I'm trying to recall when it started to look like this and I have photos of our front yard when I put up the Christmas lights on…

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
What's up with our lawn? Yellow patches.

We put our lawn in back in March. We did all of Fu's prep. And no, we don't have any dogs.
The front is Sapphire Buffalo, the back in Empire Zoysia.

13 years13 yearsJaponica26Japonica26 posted:
Opinions on my soil, organic compost and grass

Like Fu said, as long as you do the prep and continue to look after the soil it won't matter much which one you get.
I prefer the EZ just because…

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