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Jas 'n' Rach
90 Posts
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Jas 'n' Rach

Joined 17 September 2008
Loyal Member
13 years13 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Euroa

We built in Melbourne (south morang) in 2009 and were pretty happy with the result, built a Rowland 35 with Porter Davis. no complaints about the builder.
Anyway, we have…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
help- neighnour building on our land

I went to check on our houses progress today and noticed that there has been a site start on our neighbouring block. The site has been pegged out, waiting for…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Review - Samsung Fridge SRS702GDHSS

I WON!!!
After much debate and weeks of shopping for the best deal on a fridge, we have finally made a decision.
The three nominations were the Fisher and Paykel 614L French…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Review - Samsung Fridge SRS702GDHSS

I am willing to come clean....the anonymous PM'er was me......Has anyone else got any thoughts on the plusses and minuses of each of the Fridges discussed? The Samsung of Matt's…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

I sent an email to Stockland to complain...I found out the correct person to contact and sent them an email. When I get to work tomorrow I will try to…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Raised garden bed against colorbond fence- help!

Thanks Kek,
We will definitely be putting something between the soil and the fence, just wondering what will be the cheapest way to prefent the weight of the 40cm high garden…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Raised garden bed against colorbond fence- help!

Thanks, I have just being doing some more research on the grey concrete besser block retaining walls. It seems I must fill them with concrete which will add to the…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Raised garden bed against colorbond fence- help!

I am approaching handover of my new house and have been thinking (a lot) about my landscaping. I have a flat block, but I like the look of the Austral…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Hi Kek,
We are heading out there this morning......couldn't wait until the afternoon!
Time permitting me will drop in and say hi!
Yes, the house next to the creek looks interesting. I saw…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

What a difference a week makes! Last week we were complaining that seemingly 'bugger all' had happened over the previous two weeks. This week we have been receiving regular updates…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Now thats a retaining wall..

I hope this is not taken the wrong way....but why have they built this wall?

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Water tank installation/ provision

Yes this is the issue...it is the fact that you can't use mains water on your garden during water restrictions.

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
If I could go back in time...advice re. rainflush system.

I have started my build, and I am very happy with how things are going, but like others there are a few things I wished I could change, that continues…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Broadband in South Morang, Hawkstowe?

Thanks for your extra research Max. We are on one of those streets (Hawkstowe Parade). Excuse my ignorance on the technical issues, but is the lack of ports in the…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Broadband in South Morang, Hawkstowe?

We are in the process of building in Hawkstowe Estate, South Morang. Met with one of our future neighbours today and they informed us that there is currently no broadband…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Brickies have now started work,and a couple of other new frames have popped up on our street. Now there are only a couple of vacant blocks between our place and…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Our frame is started! Will be some more regular visits from now on. We were happy to meet some of our neighbours (Kez!- your house looks amazing!) on Saturday, and…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Hehe, oh well. Gives you something to do on weekends!
We are probably going out to the block on Saturday to have a look, finally have a day off to go…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Thanks Kek, we will!
Did a drive by of your house the other night. Landscaping looks great, just a shame that we couldn't get out there during daylight hours!

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Went out to stand on our new slab on Wednesday night. Very exciting.
The frame has now been delivered to site and I expect they will start assembling it early next…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Our slab has now been poured. Check out our blog below.
We hope to go and have a look this afternoon and take some photos before the frame starts.

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Our slab was poured today!! Photos are on the blog! link below.
Hopefully we will be able to go out and see it Friday arvo!

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Ha! You'd be very welcome! Most people disappear very quickly if I even look like suggesting they come and train with me.... :(<br>
Well, I need to get back…</p></div><div class=

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Thanks! We love it.....now we have to sit through all the dramas of the building process!

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

I could use a training partner! lol

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Thanks Kek! It is always useful to have some 'spies' in the area to keep us updated on the progress of our home! I am fortunate to have already met…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Well you are nearly a neighbour lol! Are you in your house yet? Always looking to meet more people from the area.
I actually like all the estates around South Morang/Mernda…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Thanks Newbie....I was out at the block on Sunday. You are in Hawkstowe East right? Are you nearly ready to move in?
I hope you don't leave the forum when…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

Thank you...we plan to keep our blog updated often! Things are moving along now so very exciting. We acquired out land over 12 months ago so it has been a…

16 years16 yearsJas 'n' RachJas 'n' Rach posted:
Building in Hawkstowe- at lockup!

I have just updated our blog http://ourpalazzo.blogspot.com/

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Building in Euroa
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