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Joined 8 January 2020
Junior Member
1 year1 yearJayB001JayB001 posted:
Verandah repair - ledger attached to brick

I'll be starting on my verandah repair soon - replace ledger, rafters, roofing iron, flashing etc. (fascia board already done).
My question is about the timber ledger to be fitted against…

4 years4 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
How to hide joins on rear panels of kitchen island?

It's an Ikea kitchen with a few variations, so yes, flatpack (limited budget).
The panels I have were left overs from something else, including the sides that by fit by…

4 years4 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
How to hide joins on rear panels of kitchen island?

Yes, door gap kind of look is what I had in mind almost to match the door gaps of the top cabinets behind.
I've tried some basic edging tape (from…

4 years4 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
How to hide joins on rear panels of kitchen island?

Hi, I'm looking for some advice on how to fit the 3 rear panels to my kitchen island so that the joins will be either hidden or tidied so they…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
Kitchen benchtop substrate preparation advice

Hi, I've posted this in another forum but through I'd check here as well,,
I'm nearing the end of my kitchen renovation and am looking for advice on preparing the…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
Coooktop install - flexible gas hoses?

I'm installing a new cooktop above the oven and had a question about flexible gas hoses.
Is it ok to have a flexible hoses on either side of the regulator-…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
indoor exposed brick wall sealer

It drops enough brick dust over a few days that I'd prefer to seal it. I lived in similar place (late Victoria terrace with party wall) some years ago that…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
indoor exposed brick wall sealer

I'm renovating a kitchen/living area which has a part exposed brick wall that I want to clear coat.
It's been thoroughly cleaned (hydrochloric acid) but unsure what product to use to…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
Connect shower drain with limited sub floor access?

Thanks Stewie,
The problem is attaching the threaded trap to the floor drain (one piece shower base) once the flooring is down with no sub-floor access.
I did ask elsewhere and…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
Connect shower drain with limited sub floor access?

I'm doing a small bathroom reno, new vanity, shower and base, but unsure how I connect the shower floor drain to the waste pipe and trap underneath if there's no…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
LED downlights 70mm vs 90mm

ok, note taken, lucky they'll be switchable )

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
LED downlights 70mm vs 90mm

Great, so I think the size is a non-issue then. 90mm it is.
And might just go the switchable so I can play around with the colour tone for each area.…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
LED downlights 70mm vs 90mm

Thanks for the links, both look good. The Osram look a little nicer that the average 'gimbal' LED, but I wonder why no-one does switchable 'K' in a gimbal? That…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
LED downlights 70mm vs 90mm

Thanks for the information, I went over the lights again and your right, considering the shadow from the light behind when working at the sink I had electrician add another…

5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
LED downlights 70mm vs 90mm

Apologies if this has been asked before, I couldn't find a previous post with a similar question.
I'm currently renovating a shared kitchen/living space and trying to decide on LED size…

LED downlights 70mm vs 90mm
5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
electrical switchboard

Thanks Brett, this helps.
Being in Victoria I also email 'Energy Safe Vic'. I wasn't expecting to hear back from them so soon but they replied today:
AS/NZS 3000:2018 states that the…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsJayB001JayB001 posted:
electrical switchboard

Hi there,
I was about to ask a similar question regarding placement of a soon to be upgraded switchboard, specifically the height from the floor. Did you end up finding out?

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