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242 Posts
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Joined 10 November 2009
Bronze Member
13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Perth building designer or builder for timber framed home

Sorry- forgot to respond to this.
With new 6 star energy efficient requirements, brick veneer and double brick aren't too dissimilar in price. Full timber framed can be more expensive, just…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Perth building designer or builder for timber framed home

Hi Scoofy,
Couldn't say we specialise in them, but we certainly build a lot of them. Probably around 30% of what we do.
I'm from The Rural Building Company - we build…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!

Does the price mention a particular type of decking? Such as treated pine/batu/merbau/jarrah?
Wider profile?
Is there balustrading?
These will all affect the price - be sure to get consistent quotes as you…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
$$ of HITTING ROCK - Need URGENT Help/Advice/Info

Sorry - should have written, if specified in the contract.
Some builders will operate with a standard HIA or MBA, others will do their own or modify an existing one.
At the…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Internal wall cracks in 1.5 years old home

Not sure where your located but Structerre (engineering firm in WA) have a really good reference card which is the size of a business card, and shows a gauge you…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
$$ of HITTING ROCK - Need URGENT Help/Advice/Info

As said above, it can be a bit of luck of the draw with what happens.
I assume your fear is with the builder hitting rock and passing the charges for…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
101 Residential (Perth)

Seen the stuff and have to say it's pretty impressive - i don't know how good it is though so wouldn't be able to pass comment.
in terms of finding out…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Building Contract

Have you read through the terms of your contract?
Generally there's no real cooling off period as that is what the time is for between PPA and contract signing.
By pulling out…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Internal wall cracks in 1.5 years old home

Do you know what the builders structural warranty is?
With the cracks, are they more than 100mm below the cornice?
Pending the size of the cracks, a crack that sits 100mm or…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Builder 'superior' inclusions ?? Floor joist and frames ??

They would be superior over the standard, but not necessarily a necessity.
For instance in WA, some builders do 100mm slabs as standard which is better than the common 80mm slab.…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Final inspection - is an independent inspector worth hiring?

I don't have any details on hand but could ask and get some names for you.
Alternatively, i'd recommend contacting the Building Commission of WA.
http://www.buildingcommission.wa.gov.au ... commission

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!

soakedblonde - would you consider reconfiguring the ensuite/WIR from as it stands now?
If you changed a couple of things round with the WIR and toilet, you might be able to…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Final inspection - is an independent inspector worth hiring?

If you are unsure about anything, would recommend an inspector for peace of mind.
Quality and finish issues you'll most likely be able to pick up yourself, but if it's the…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
How much should site works be?

Yeh can be bigger than Ben Hur but keep in mind, your building a house! ::lol::
Ask your builder if they can do a waffle…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

Hi soakedblonde,
Request to Structerre to release info was sent to them yesterday, not sure what the hold up is.
All the charges were as per usual, this is what deposits usually…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
How much should site works be?

Hi charmaine,
Bugger about the classification. Slope isn't everything - it's what your sitting on to begin with that counts.
The frustrating thing about clay is that it holds water, and can…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Promo's included in build,what did you get??

Builders definitely have room to move - the difference between your write out and acceptance margin is to allow for erosion and profit obviously. Just depends on how much margin…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Promo's included in build,what did you get??

Just a tip for those with the free a/c upgrade.
It's worth checking direct with the air con company or going to an air conditioning company with details of the free…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

Thank you for your insightful response Kerry-Ann.
Will take your comments on board.
We build farmhouses, and we also build unique homes. Venture into our other ranges and you'll see what I…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Building incentives

Hi minxy,
Congratulations on your purchase of land!
All the builders you've mentioned build beautiful homes and are good operators.
Sadly no matter the builder, you'll hear a bad story so as said…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Independent building inspectors

If you contact the HIA or MBA they'll be able to recommend inspectors as well.
Keep in mind you also have rights with the Builders Registration Build who can also help…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

hi soakedblonde,
have answered in a PM to not clog up Kerry-ann's thread.

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

I agree wholeheartedly soakedblonde - 80 hours is over the top. That's what we've received though when we've asked for a fixed price as the earthworker is covering their bases.

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

Obviously i can read between the lines with what you are saying here, and i know for soakedblonde we have a provisional sum for rock breaking. Provisional sum being that…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Where in n loving it,but heaps to do!!

Hi Kerry,
Congrats on starting - hope you cracked the bubbly!
Which earth worker are you using?

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
What does site classification mean?

Island Ob,
Would recommend getting a Soil Inspection Report done. They don't cost much and worst case, if you sell your block can hand it over to the purchaser for their…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Vote Please,Soft Closes on Drawers,just outta interests sake

hi soakedblonde,
Might not find it in your addenda and prestart variations as it's been standard for at least a few years now.
it is mentioned in our standard spec sheet though,…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Vote Please,Soft Closes on Drawers,just outta interests sake

Yes for Rural Building Company please!!
Whether it's our cheapest, base model home, or the top of the list, most expensive home. Soft closers on drawers come standard on RBC homes…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

I agree with you Kiwi, this thread has gone off the focus of soakedblondes build.
can start another thread or save it for another time. i think we were just bantering…

13 years13 yearsjaywjayw posted:
Our little piece of Bedfordale... the end of a chapter

I'm wondering if it's worth a coffee catch up in Bedfordale to save all the typing on here.
I will say though, i appreciate the feedback and it's a great insight.

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