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14 Posts
14 Posts
Junior Member

14PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 7 November 2007
Junior Member
16 years16 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
How to P*SS of your neighbors...

It is terrible that the builder can act in such a way and treat you so badly! I am amazed at how these companies have no regard for anyone…

16 years16 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:

I just went thru a crash course in looking at your house and it is simply beautiful. I love the fact that you have taken a few daring choices…

16 years16 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Thank you all for the great tips! I have already taken most of them and incorporated them into the house. A few of them it is too late…

  ⋅  1
16 years16 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Dumping on our block!

I am so mad that I am seeing red!!!! We went to take a look at our block on the weekend…

16 years16 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Any first time home owners building?

We are building our first home. The reasons differs from my husband to me. Hubby wanted to build for the stamp duty savings. I wanted to build…

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Ok, I did miss quite a bit! Those are all excellent points. I am making a list now. I thought about the water tap in the fridge…

  ⋅  1
17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Hello All,
We just went through our colour selection and I wondering if anyone had suggestions on things to look out for before contract. You know the little things that…

  ⋅  2
17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Our House! Progress shots! Updated with Completed House!

I love looking at pics and seeing land go from dirt to a stunning house! You house looks great!

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Where has my driveway gone?

Hello all,
Thanks for the advice. Yes Phoenix our title was supposed to happen in mid-December but nothing happened. When we visited the Chase this pas tweekend we noticed…

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Where has my driveway gone?

My hubby and I are close to getting our block of land titled. We put our deposit down in June and the land is expected to title next month.…

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Rising Interest Rates

Hello All,
With the recent rise in interest rates and the projected future rises, has anyone had to change or delay their house plans?
With the continual jumps in house…

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Confidence in the Building Process

Thanks to everyone and there advice. I am trying to get past the fear. Building is very daunting and I had never expected it to be so such…

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Confidence in the Building Process

Thanks for the encouraging words Phoenix. I really do appreicate them. Yes, we are building in the Chase. We went out there on Sunday to look at…

17 years17 yearsjewel47jewel47 posted:
Confidence in the Building Process

I have been trolling these boards for a few months now and have never posted. So this my first post!
So here is my story.....We out a deposit…

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7 November 2007

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