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Joined 18 April 2012
Bronze Member
11 years11 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

the cost from Hopetoun is only for Category upgrades ie 76mm Cat 1 to 76 mm Cat 2. If you decide to go for 50mm u have to factor in…

11 years11 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Just sent you a pm re: shower screen
The benchtop is dependent on the category of stone u choose, PD didnt give me a seperate cost for 60mm upgrade

11 years11 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

MAde mine into a walk in robe and modified the master bedroom to have a massive master bedroom instead.

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Herald Sun Home Show 2013 - Discounted Tickets!

pm sent too... thanks

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Yeah.. the stairs really make the house look more like a house rather than a construction site...
Can't wait to c ur pics...
mine is almost completed..... managed to get some updated…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

Agree with tstr1a, easier to get alarm cabled during the built rather than after (especially for double storey)...
Looks like quite a large number of people are heading towards completion..... I…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Your house looks amazing. i love the landscaping and the pool area

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

I wouldn't accept it at all... not your problem if they have to replace everything due to the tradesperson being completely incompetent... For a PD MANAGER to turn around and…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Thanks heaps! Will triple check mine to make sure it looks exactly like the one in the link... You have been extremely helpful and GREATLY APPRECIATE ur blog too!

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hey tstr1a, if it is not too much trouble, can you post a pic of ur air-con controller unit (the one on the wall).. I think PD might have made…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

I vote Polar White :P .. but I am biased cos I installed polar white in my house :P ...so you might…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

finally managed to get access into the house to see the work that has been done..
they have installed my kitchen island bench, finished 80% of the plumbing work and rehung…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

Good for you. The house should be done the way you want it and specified. I would rather a short delay and it well be done right rather than rushing…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

Not sure about everyone else but my SS did call to ask if I could go to the site to chat to the tiler to make sure the tiles &…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis Upgrades and Costs

I paid $718 each to upgrade (upgraded from Prestige standard toilets) to the ones they have on display. It is called the Caroma Cube Wall Faced Invisi Series II suite…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis Upgrades and Costs

Har har.. i got the same reaction too.. I just told them...that's why i have 2 kitchens... a display one in all white .. and a functional one that is…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Yup.. tstr1a is right.. there are other things like networking to ground floor, wiring home theatre, video intercoms etc etc.. can be really really hard to do after handover.

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Thanks.. I really loved the floor to wall tiles in the showrooms hence decided to get it.. looks like baked beans n toast for a while :wink:

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

WOW!! Your house is HUGE! Love the extended area out the back.. Pity I don't have enough land to accommodate it..

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thanks to Helen (here on the forum) the building regional manager called me. Had a really frank phone conversation re: build experience etc.. Outlined all the errors and the mistakes…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Just wanted to say thanks to Helen from PD ... the building regional manager called today and I had a frank phone conversation with him re: build experience to date…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

YUP!!! Had to be seen to believe!! Lucky my BC and SS are super efficient and ready to take my calls /emails when mistakes arise

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Thanks Helen. I hope everything will be rectified soon

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

Sigh... see the frustrations?
I really hope they don't just run pipes across the cabinets... the mistake was noted in FEB and nothing was done...
Cabinet installers just installed the…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

the mistake was noted in FEB and nothing was done...
Cabinet installers just installed the cabinet and now I have a sink that doesn't line up at all!
Trying to run…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

LOL! shall we say great minds think alike? :P :z:

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

does anyone know the Building standards re: Connecting the waste drain from a sink to the actual drain-pipe? Is there a limit as to how far away the drain-pipe can…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Porter Davis homes

does anyone know the Building standards re: Connecting the waste drain from a sink to the actual drain-pipe? Is there a limit as to how far away the drain-pipe can…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Sigh.. the psycho came back to cut my power cables before they could be wired to the switchboard which is now a massive headache... I hope they catch him and…

12 years12 yearsjnkbidsjnkbids posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

thanks ftdt7882 ... hope all is well with yours...
Hmm.. good question... they are called Stratos Limestone Polished 300x600mm. The code i have on my selection list is MAXFL1045. I have…

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