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Jo K
545 Posts
Gold Member

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Jo K

Joined 14 April 2007
Gold Member
15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Dulux Sea Elephant

OK, here it is...I think it's probably a little bit darker than how it is showing in this pic..

It's a lovely colour & gets so many comments from people when…

Dulux Sea Elephant
15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Dulux Sea Elephant

One of my kids has it as a feature wall colour in his bedroom...thought I'd put up a pic before, but just had a search & doesn't look I have…

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Thanks Fu! new pics of back retaining wall & plants

You must be so happy - your plants look like they are absolutely thriving :: ::
Very funny about your…

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Another room finished....well, nearly!

Well I would have got the idea off someone - probably you :lol: :lol: :lol:

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Another room finished....well, nearly!

Thanks Kek, Hels & Majic J!

Don't think there are any set rules. We went with 50mm, poor DH had the spirit level & tape measure working overtime

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Another room finished....well, nearly!

well, I did say I was giving it a tidy up first :lol: :lol:
On the floor at the back…

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Another room finished....well, nearly!

OK, here's the office...ours is a laminate bench in Chesnut linea & moleskin draws to tie in with our kitchen cupboards.

Our kitchen guy ordered in the benchtop & made up…

Another room finished....well, nearly!
15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Another room finished....well, nearly!

Thanks SuH & also for your help Michelle ::kiss::
I'll give the office a little tidy up & post some pics of our bench that…

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
more artwork

Hi Mish, I ended up ordering some through Stephanie. I've posted some pics here:

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Another room finished....well, nearly!

Howdy all, I haven't been in here much for ages, but thought I'd share some photo's of our Dining area after finally getting our new table & some artwork for…

15 years15 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Opinions on Colour Selections please - Acreage Home

Hi Kylie,
I thought I'd post a couple of photo's of our house for you as we have the windspray roof & gutters teamed with slate grey fascia's (think this was…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
What colour for bathroom walls - Jury's In!!!!!

I think Hog Bristle 1/4 would look great with white...please let me remind you though that I have no idea when it comes to colours.... :lol:

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
What colour for bathroom walls - Jury's In!!!!!

I think I'd go your flow colour 1/4 hog bristle.
I am definetely not a colour guru though.. :lol:

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Michelle's website....new service offered!

Well done guys!
Great idea for the two experts in their fields to join forces :: :z:
I for one…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

Glad to report that everyone's happy :: thanks Mish...again :lol: :D

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

You're not going mad, I did get a colour from you to paint the outside of their beach shack awhile ago! :lol:

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

No, not the water on a farm.
Mum just really likes blue. Is thinking of a new blue leather lounge which would probably be similar colour to the Stream you put…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

Thanks for that Mish - I really like it, I'll show Mum later & report back in :wink:
Do you think the Blue works OK…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Second guessing splashback - Ok, finally in!!!

:lol: :lol: Yes, google is a wonderful thing..
Don't know that I'm much help to mum except that I know to come…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

Since we are talking blue splashbacks today thought I'd get everyones thoughts on what blue would look good as a splashback with this combo...walls will be 1/2 strength Hog Bristle.

Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???
16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Second guessing splashback - Ok, finally in!!!

I just checked in to do a search for my mum who has decided she would like a blue splashback!! Perfect timing :D

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Heated Towel Rails - how do you use them?

The 10 bar one in the link looks like it is set up for 3 towels the way it is spaced, which should work well for a towel each &…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Heated Towel Rails - how do you use them?

We got ours from Reece plumbing, the brand was milan & I think it was around $600 or $700. Reece seem to stock quite a few different brands so I'm…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Heated Towel Rails - how do you use them?

We have one in our ensuite & one in the main bathroom. We only had a small space in the ensuite so have a norrow one in there:

As you can…

Heated Towel Rails - how do you use them?
16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

OK, will do :D
Actually went to get the dulux sample card for it today & was very surprised that Hog Bristle wasn't on…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

Mish, Mum is after a wall colour for the new kitchen/lounge (will be an open living area) that is a bit warmer than a "white".
Do you think Hog's bristle would…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Bathroom Accessories

Hi Southies, looks like our feature tile is very similar.
This is the main bathroom, the towels are a teal blue. Nice and bright without being too out there

Bathroom Accessories
16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Review - Samsung Fridge SRS702GDHSS

WBA, I think this is the fridge we were looking at when planning our kitchen, we still haven't bought ours yet & looks like the newer models are taller now..

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

Thanks Mish :D
Your kitchen & bathroom look great Stormy. Thanks for posting the pics, much better to see on a larger scale. We…

16 years16 yearsJo KJo K posted:
Does this kitchen combo work? *Blue splashback???

Great tip Jo, didn't realise that Laminex did that!
Once I have Michelle's seal of approval on the benchtop & that the Alabaster is the best choice to go with it…




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