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Joined 13 July 2015
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Playground Ideas - Softfall Material

Hi Marz1983 Its called Power Play Soft Fall. Its certified for playgrounds and schools etc. doesn't hurt your feet to walk on like traditional mulch

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6 years6 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Playground Ideas - Softfall Material

We have used a playground grade soft fall for our kids area in the backyard. Attached are photos. The kids walk on it etc fine and it must be safe…

7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Hi everyone, we have been in since the middle of February 2017 so roughly 10 months and here is a few photos to show progress so far
The front yard…

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

I love the portland grigio, i loved it in the finsbury display. I also like the cretement but not in the wet look. I immediately disliked it. But other than…

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

The kids fort was a Facebook find of mine. A chippie made it for his daughter but was moving and wouldn't fit so had to sell. I paid $200 it…

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Building Lexington 240

Thats fantastic news, how exciting for you! I hope the final inspection goes well.
P.s im intrigued by paper blinds, what are they?

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Wohoo!! Wowee i bet you cant wait to walk through your house once the frames are up!

7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Oh bank thats terrible after all the waiting youve done.
This probably wont fill you with confidence but we have a double story jg king being built 5 houses down and…

7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Wohoo fantastic news bank! Thats one good looking slab! Its all go from here :) :)

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Wow well arnt you glad you know what your looking at when it comes to slabs, I would have no idea. What are some of the faults you found?

7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Hahaha yep the big kid and the little ones were all loving it. Poor hubby had at least one kid on each time he used it lol
I cant wait…

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Sooo we've finally started some landscaping.. DIY style.
We hired a dingo and rotary hoe for one day and had over $700 of top soil delivered all in the same…

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Definitely go with comfort. Isnt it funny how much importance we need to put on a toliet but ultimately we are going to use it multiple times a day.

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

I really wouldn't stress about late payment fees because you'll be fine. We were purposely late with one of ours at brick stage and spoke to our ss who said…

7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Yeah we got snail mail for all our invoices too. Very impractical really.
We actually received our liquidated damages cheque in the mail today yay! Only 1 month after hand over…

7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Wow bank thats so EXCITING!!!!! Gosh they are really trying to make up lost time arnt they, wohoo!

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

Thats exciting! I cant wait to get rid of our dirt backyard and lay grass. What kind of ground prep have you done?

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7 years7 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! YAY Slab soon and youll fly along. Very excited to watch it come together.

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8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Bank i am so excited for you. Gosh you have had a Rollercoaster ride so far, now you deserve a super smooth build!
I am really excited to see your…

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8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Lol hubby cant help himself...so were moving tomorrow!! Straight after we got the keys we rang and hired a small DIY truck for 2 days :))

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8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Still have a few things that need to be done but we are confident his got them organised and should happen in the next week or…

8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Look how great our front door has come up! I love the colour
Meant to be meeting with site supervisor monday for handover but we dont think we will hand over…

8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

So we had a exciting week of concreting about a week ago and since then we or particularly me is at depressed stage again wondering if we will ever actually…

Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!
8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

I am just gut renched for you bank. This is the crappiest situation and so trivial its ridiculous. I cant believe the back and forth of it all and he…

8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

In regards to the render bank we have highlighted the 2 pillars on a house plan elevations and both signed it with note put on our final inspection form…

8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Ohh bank i really feel for you. Ita turning into as big a saga as our brick work was and that sucks :(
I agree keep persisting…

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8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

PCI Tomorrow!! PCI Tomorrow!!wohoo we have finally made it!! Bring on 12 noon tomorrow then hopefully all is on schedule for friday 3rd feb for handover :)

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8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements

Hi regvic your house is looking amazing!
I dont think Essastone do french nougart anymore. They have an entire new line so maybe talk to your supervisor about that as…

8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Building Lexington 240

The macedon bricks have come up great! Love the quick progress youve had with inside and out. Yes this public holiday may hold up a few of us unfortunately. Loving…

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8 years8 yearsjulia1301julia1301 posted:
Our second home-JG King Memphis - We are in!

Thanks everyone!! Im so happy. It was a bit of a shock how dark it was when i first seen it but it really ties in the dark roof gutters…

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