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254 Posts
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Joined 10 September 2009
Silver Member
13 years13 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Recommendations for Ceiling Restoration in Perth, please!

Hi guys, I wasn't sure where to post this so if it is in the wrong spot I'm sorry!
I'm looking for some recommendations of companies that do ceiling restorations, please!…

13 years13 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Ooooh thankyou thankyou! I will try there this week :)
I bought mine from DealsDirect when they had free shipping on, and I've found a lot of…

13 years13 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Hi ShelleyB! Hope you find this post.... just wondering how you managed to buy 3 barstools? I have the exact same barstools and want 3 like you have (currently have…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
What colour is this splash back??

Can't help with the colour, but that kitchen is delicous!!!
I'm slightly disturbed about my addiction to kitchens, when I'm not even much of a cook!!

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Kitchen Reno - Blog Progress....

Thanks! Makes perfect sense :lol: Your kitchen so far is looking fab!!

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Kitchen Reno - Blog Progress....

Hi justfrank, yep I realise the benchtop is Laminex :) But the Laminex DiamondGloss range has two colours/patterns of similar names, one being Toffee Mineralstone and…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Kitchen Reno - Blog Progress....

Hi, just wondering if your benchtop is Pure Mineralstone or Toffee Mineralstone? You just mentioned it was Mineralstone so I'm curious to know which one :lol:

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show Us Your Splashback

That's what I was thinking! Firstly :shock: at how big the plan is! And then I didn't even notice there was no splashback, it looked…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Would love some pics of kitchens with laminex benchtops...

Laminex DiamondGloss - Toffee Mineralstone

More photos here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=13838&start=864

Would love some pics of kitchens with laminex benchtops...
14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Anyone with Acreage - Come Say Hi

Oh I do realise there are snakes in suburbia, can't avoid them completely! But I guess the chances are slimmer because there is no scrub in suburb backyards. That's what…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Anyone with Acreage - Come Say Hi

I'm not on an acreage, but one who dreams of it! Just one or two will do me just fine! So envious of you all!
I do have a question though…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
How to Treat an Apricot Tree so bugs don't eat my fruit?!

Thanks! I'd love to grow a mango tree, but I fear if I can't handle an already established apricot tree, I've got no hope in hell of keeping a brand…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
How to Treat an Apricot Tree so bugs don't eat my fruit?!

Silly question but when do you know the fruit is ready? Are you meant to pick them before they fall off? As whatever pests they were were getting to the…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
How to Treat an Apricot Tree so bugs don't eat my fruit?!

:lol: :lol: Thanks for the tips :lol: :lol:
I wish I had…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
How to Treat an Apricot Tree so bugs don't eat my fruit?!

So I have this lovely apricot tree in my backyard of the house I bought last year, and need some tips on how to safely treat it so that I…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Which dining table with bench seating - pics attached

I've seen the Ikea one in the flesh and it's pretty pricey for what it is! But saying that, I really love the bench style and I even love when…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

I bought some Cerapol today - OH MY GAWD it is wonderous stuff!!! :z: :z: The marks that had been on…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Thanks for the Cerapol suggestions!! But where do I get it? :oops:

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Moogles, stunning white kitchen!!! ::

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Did you find your electric cooktop marks? I have one of those electric one with no knobs either, but its like it is leaving burnt in marks under the surface…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your diamond gloss bench pleeeaaassseeee.......

Just in case it's helpful to anyone else, this is Toffee Mineralstone in the diamond gloss.

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!

Type "Umbra Ribbon Wall Clock" into google and you will find many options to purchase (overseas). With Amazon, you can get it for roughly $106 AUD. If anyone finds it…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

The tiles are 600x300 rectified white gloss ceramic tiles. I couldn't find plain white porcelain ANYWHERE!! They all had patterns in them, so I had to settle for ceramic.

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!

Oh nooooo you're all bad influences :lol: :lol: I will have to wait a bit to get the clock, though, all…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

This thread made me second guess most of my choices :lol:
I've seen soooo many nice kitchens in here that in my next house, I want…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!

So are you saying that red is the colour I should go for for a splash of colour? :lol:
I think I might go for a…

Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!
14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!

Thanks for the link, I have actually been to that site before and forgot about it! Are yours the 13.5x10cm cannisters? They sound really small, do they look that small…

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!

Such a shame this isn't an Australian site! I don't even want to know what the conversion would be and then shipping :::

14 years14 yearskatie81katie81 posted:
Splash of Colour via Accessories in Kitchen needed?? Help!

Thanks Deemaree! Loretta, looooove your cannisters, hopefully she might see this and let me know where she got them :lol:

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