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Junior Member

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Joined 24 July 2007
Junior Member
15 years15 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Air-Con advice Add On or something else

Hi all
I am wondering if someone can please help me out in regards to add-on cooling
We built a 30sq single story house in Melbourne and the builder installed a 4…

15 years15 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Blinds and Drapes in Melbourne's west

Just wanted to reinforce the point
Just this week I finally got my last blind - the order was placed at the end of August…

15 years15 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Ceiling fans and downlights

Hi can anyone help me out with the minimum distance required to avoid strobing or flickering from a celing fan?
We have downlights already installed and now want to put in…

15 years15 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Downlights and ceiling fan

Hi can anyone help me out with the minimum distance required to avoid strobing or flickering from a celing fan?
We have downlights already installed and now want to put in…

15 years15 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Blinds and Drapes in Melbourne's west

I just wanted to post my opinion of the company we dealt with to supply our blinds and drapes.
We used The Right Track - Braybrook, after reading recommendations on this…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Our Cremorne 41..Demolition started!!

I have just gone back through the paperwork and to get a permit you will need a rates notice (in your name) and the title (again in your name)
So you…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Site Costs?

Basically fill means unstable ground and they need some way to stable it. It may only mean a thicker slab (ie P class) or it may mean screw piles…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Our Cremorne 41..Demolition started!!

Thanks Bel, there will be no positive news - just bad, worse and catastrophic :o
also just realised I didn't finish typing my sentence above…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Our Cremorne 41..Demolition started!!

Petal - our experience with Absolute is very similar. We had a slight delay and then they couldn't fit us in for another 2 weeks. the whole process…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Our Cremorne 41..Demolition started!!

Yes you will need to disconnect the services (gas, phone and electricity) before demolition. You can try and book this in now but our experience was that it took…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Our Cremorne 41..Demolition started!!

You can try Absolute Demolitions at Laverton - they were pretty good for us. They won't be able to accurately quote without access to the house but you can…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Handles - Nickel vs Aluminium vs Stainless Steel

Thanks everyone. I think I might go for the stainless ones as they offered to do any handle at no extra charge

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Handles - Nickel vs Aluminium vs Stainless Steel

Hi everyone,
I had handles picked out for the kitchen Parbury Elegant Square L B Nickel 128mm (10.01.2005) but I have been informed that they are not available. However the…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Help with colours - is this too plain?

Excellent - THANKS heaps!!
Yes I think it is natural to doubt yourself, I am sure it will all be fine
Thanks again

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Help with colours - is this too plain?

Hi Michelle
I am up to colour selection and am now doubting my choices
I have attached a picture but please ignore the laminate samples - we changed our mind and I…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Help me make sense of this please

It just seems like every block we come across has some sort of problem
I completely understand, that is why it often easier to work on the location first and…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Watching Foxtel etc in the bedroom

Hi guys,
We are trying to finalise our electrical layout for our new house and I am wondering about watching TV in the bedroom. Generally this is not something I…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
PD - Changes to plan

hi there,
Just in terms of the facade and eaves. If you are thinking of eaves on the ground floor bear in mind they will add to the overall width…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Pick apart my budget ! :)

The smaller blocks (under 500m2) may not be big enough for what you are what you are wanting to do. I would also look at the length of the…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Pick apart my budget ! :)

My comment on the budget is not the house but the block of land. I don't want to be a party pooper but I think you will be extremely…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Site costs - Established area

I would say that it is very difficult to estimate site costs without having a block. We bought a knock down house(also in the inner West Melb) and had…

17 years17 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
Site costs - Established area

I would say that it is very difficult to estimate site costs without having a block. We bought a knock down house(also in the inner West Melb) and had…

18 years18 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
P class slab and screw piles - Horrific costs - HELP!

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give an update and get some further advice.
We got an independant engineer to come in and do another soil test. He dug a…

18 years18 yearsKerrieJKerrieJ posted:
P class slab and screw piles - Horrific costs - HELP!

Hi everyone,
We are in the process of arranging a demolition of an existing house in the inner west of Melbourne and building a new one. We have waited 3…

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