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Joined 23 January 2007
Junior Member
17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Disappointments All Round

I am building with **** and currently nearly the handover stage as well and I have had my fair share of frustrations (see my earlier posts).
I would strongly recommend…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Independent inspectors

I would hope so, seeing that he is so highly recommended by the people in this forum.
I have been trying to contact him since before Christmas (3 months now) and…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Independent inspectors

That is if you can find him and have him return your calls.
{edit - removed by mod team}
He has not been responding to emails and calls.

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
New Home Inspections - Kevin (still around)

Hmm.... he's still not around and not responding to email, office phone or mobile.
Maybe he's closed down and no longer operating.
Anyone got any other recommendations (within Melbourne)?

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
New Home Inspections - Kevin (still around)

Does anyone know whether Kevin is still providing this service? He has not been contactable.

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Henley: RHS garage not covered by termite protection

Thanks for the follow up connexion. I will definitely keep this in mind when my turn is up. My garage is also right next to the fence. Bcos of this…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Council Rates

Sorry, I didn't mean ti just disappear; it has been a crazy last few days.
Thanks for all the advice guys/gals. It is good to hear that it doesn't affect the…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Council Rates

I have just received a Rates & Charges notice from the council on my land (no house yet) and noticed that the site value is almost 20% lesser than what…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

I thought I'd provide an update to my initial posting for the benefit of everyone who has been tracking this thread. The replies and personal messages I have been receiving…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

Stewie, are you building with Northridge homes?
I am asking cos a friend of mine built with them (after contract signing it became H**l*y) and it was great! Hence the referral.…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

Base on your example, you will pay :
$5750 + 25% of ($5750) = $7187.50
On a separate note, H**l*y today as agreed to put this clause in the tender document.

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

Thanks for the tip.
They had actually made provisions for rock in the tender document and the person conducting the tender said that the maximum H**l*y will exceed will be 15%…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

After being promised by the CSR team lead on Friday, I had decided to proceed with the tender appointment.
When I arrived, the person who was conducting the tender made…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

List of events which follow..........
Left message on CSR's Team Leader's voicemail. He called to say that they are swamped with work and having problems with staffing CSRs. yada…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

I've no complains of the sales person at the point cook display where we signed up. It's the customer service rep assigned to us at their HQ along ferntree gully…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

H**l*y in Melbourne need to get their act together. I wonder if this is the same with H**l*y everywhere.

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Henley in Melbourne

hi there.
Can you PM me the details of the customer service rep you are dealing with? I have this strange feeling that it might be the same one I've been…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Contract Signed - PD Point/Cook - Wonderful experience

I envy your situation sandy and I might be taking the path with PD seeing the non-existent customer service I am getting with Henley after putting down the deposit for…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
H**l*y customer service just gets worse and worse.....

I am honestly appalled by the level of service from H**l*y; and would like to hear from the rest in this forum about similar experience.
If you were to read my…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Anyone with recent experience with H***ey's Cust Svc Reps?

With only an initial deposit and currently awaiting the colour selection process, I must say I am not impress with H***ey's customer service so far.
It's been 5 business days…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Breezair vs Brivis Evaporative?

Opps sorry, this was meant to be under "Heating, Cooling & Insulation". Can the moderator pl. move this? Thanks.
No worries, now moved :) -Newhomebuilder

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Breezair vs Brivis Evaporative?

I don't mean to start a huge debate on this, but I am about to decide on which brand to put into my new house.
The builder I am with uses…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
The money trail...

What? $15k for the construction proposal? Which builder are you with (PM me)?

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Here it goes... the start & already qns qns ... help?

Good question uncle_ant.
The requirements were taken off the builders Procedures of Purchase. I can't help to feel as though they are building half-the house or something.
Can you PM me which…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
The money trail...

I have only just started so the deposit on the land (vic - west) was $1k upon signing the contract. and the house was $550 to secure the price.
I was…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Here it goes... the start & already qns qns ... help?

Thanks for the tip vanderlay, and yes I am in vic.
Pardon my ignorance but after I get the details of the restrictive covenants, am I suppose to sketch up a…

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Here it goes... the start & already qns qns ... help?

5. I am required to supply a sitting drawing (diagram of where I want my house sited on my block that complies with covenants on title & developer's guidelines). …

17 years17 yearskevinkevin posted:
Here it goes... the start & already qns qns ... help?

With news that the land is about to settle, we are about to embark on the journey to build. We have placed a deposit with the builder of our choice…

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Disappointments All Round
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Independent inspectors
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