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10 months10 monthsKgl61 posted:
Masterton Homes Hydraulics
Masterton Homes Hydraulics
Thanks again. I will ask Masterton if they do this.
10 months10 monthsKgl61 posted:
Masterton Homes Hydraulics
Masterton Homes Hydraulics
Thank you for this.
Certainly different to what we believed it to be, we had been experiencing difficulty getting an explaination.
The site is classified Class P. They will be using…
10 months10 monthsKgl61 posted:
Masterton Homes Hydraulics
Masterton Homes Hydraulics
We are in the pre contract stage with Masterton Homes and conerned about the cost of hydraulics. Wondering if anyone can answer the following:
How much and and for what have…
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29 March 2024