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211 Posts
Bronze Member

211PostsMost Active Topics


Melbourne, Victoria
Joined 1 July 2009
Bronze Member
11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Surveying prior to purchasing land?

for a one off, you will likely be charge up to $1000

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
outdoor kitchen limited space ideas

does your kitchen back into this area? Maybe a servery (accordian) window to combine the areas?

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Finding a builder inSouthern Tasmania

Hotondo homes Hobart

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Landscaper design and construction in Melbourne (Bayside)

Mayer Landscaping
0431 842 820
did a wonderful job on my place. small outfit so no big overheads (cheap)

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Garage Door with or without windows pricing

sounds about right. the window inserts are more expensive than the standard panels

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
What happens if builder doesn't start the build on time?

Check your contract but it means (usually) you would have the option to cancel the contract.
I would strongly advise against this.
the most important date however is the total time…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Please help me identify this tap/breech

look quite similar to Bourne's Ascot range. not 100% match for style though.
what is the hole size of the breech and the length of the spindle?
if you can tell…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
choosing bricks

Try Selkirk Brick. Not sure if they have a distributor in WA but i am sure for the right price, they could send a load. they have a range you…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Justification of additional site and engineering costs?

there is no such thing a h class anymore. it is h1 or h2. you need to read what steel and concrete depth was already included. often h1 is included…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Seeking a custom builder for a double storey house(Melboune)

T&M Van Dam builders
9708 6977

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Seeking a custom builder for a double storey house(Melboune)

where are you located?

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Build cost ONLY per square meter

rough guide for retail pricing per m2
the large difference being that at $650, you will get a basic home from a volume builder and at $850, you will get a…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Is this going to be as terrible as I think?

Michelle, very true, there are more building methods than there are builders ;-)

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Is this going to be as terrible as I think?

Michelle, I don't believe that is correct.
If the door has sidelites, it is just a door that has sidelites.
Having worked my entire life in the building industry with…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Is this going to be as terrible as I think?

who classes a door frame as a window? As a builder, I class this as a poor way to cover up an error.

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:

no, flyscreens are usually done the day before handover

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Shower head and mixer heights

it can vary but we usually install shower heads at 1950mm high and mixers at around 1050mm.
facing the wall, I install mixers on the right if the head is a…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Recommendations for porcelain tilers and suppliers - Melb

Hynes Tiles (also know as The tile People). They do supply and install and have a great range of Porcelain tiles. Not the cheapest but i have used them hunders…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Recommend a soil tester in the west

Great to hear. They are very good.

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Refunding of deposit?

They only have the legal right to keep the money they can prove they have used. if you have a lawyer in the family that will draw up a letter…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Recommend a soil tester in the west

yep, it really does cost that much. Even builders pay $250 or more for a basic 3 hole test to 1800mm and at those prices, they are doing 2-4 a…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Looking for specific floor tiles, please help!

could be johnson tiles.
look like 600x100mm or 600x150mm
Check out their mode range here http://www.johnson-tiles.com/catalog/range/mode/
the colour could be coal.
I would start by calling into my local…

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
home design with loft

hotondo homes have a couple of designs like that

11 years11 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Recommend a soil tester in the west

Weribbee soil testing. $500-$1000 for a one off but really depends on how far down they need to go.

12 years12 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Ideas for render colour

I would suggest keeping Woodland Grey on the roof and windows.
Jasper would then be good around the garage door and either Dune or Paperbark for the rest of the house.…

12 years12 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Bank declined loan and now vendor keeping deposit!

I all depends on what you have signed. That said, a lawyer would be the best way to go if you want your money back.
In most standard contracts the…

12 years12 yearskid81kid81 posted:
Splashback Colour Suggestions?

people seem to lean towards being a bit too conservative these days. If you are not planning on selling then conservative colours shouldn't really worry you.
I would suggest either a…

12 years12 yearskid81kid81 posted:

colorbond sandbank
colorbond dune
colorbond seaspray

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