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Joined 21 December 2009
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13 years13 yearskinesokineso posted:
Importing Basin Mixers from Overseas - The pitfalls??

I recently bought a mixer from Germany. Only issue was the fitting size as mentioned above. Otherwise, same product that sells for double here. Plumber had no…

13 years13 yearskinesokineso posted:
Bamboo Flooring and Timber Flooring

PD, I would get tiles. Bamboo does and will scratch up pretty easy. I'm finding this out first hand with the brand we laid anyhow - Mosowood.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Is it reasonable to pay $20k for 15000 L rainwater tank?

Yep same here. But you're not going to get that type of price in the burbs.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Using an Ipad during the Build

Yep, what AdamG said. I used my home and work computers / 3G Ipad / dropbox / goodreader / soundpaper to manage my build and meetings.
All backed…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
How long to get occupancy permit

Mine took less than a week. Did the final inspection pass OK?

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Give me your opinion about my door handle. PLEASE HELP.lol

Yep it looks out of place. Why the heck did they install it there? How are they going to fill the holes so you don't see them?

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
School me on whole house water filters

Hi Guys
I need to get a whole house water filter (or do I?).
Source is tank water (concrete tank).
Who is the market leader? Anyone have some…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Bushfire risk assessment report

Hi Woodchip.
Yes you can, yes I did. It was very straightforward (against AS3959:1999). Things may have changed though with AS3959:2009, so it may be trickier. …

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Laying Bamboo Flooring - During build or after?

Our bamboo was put in during the build. Exactly what you said and we didn't want the 'quad' - skirtings left off and fitted/painted afterwards. Kitchen was already…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Our Pool Building Experience

My wife and I have been talking about your pool non stop since I showed her the pics. We didn't want a pool at all, but seeing yours makes…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Kitchen mixer taps - splurge or not?

Spend your $ on the stuff that you can't or are unlikely to change like benchtops/doors. You can change a mixer anytime.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Urgent help - Major changes by council -what are my options?

This is referring to the build process and the builder having to spend extra $ to meet a build requirement which they will then pass onto you via a variation.…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Our Pool Building Experience

Classy setup and very inviting.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
What to do if your building runs late

I'll let someone else answer the C of O question definitively (cause I'm in the same boat as you) but my understanding is yes. Not sure what you are…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
What to do if your building runs late

Hmm, what's weird is that you are talking like the house is already at practical completion. Is that the case? You should say to them you want to…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Building in a Bushfire prone area

We have just built in a semi rural bushfire prone area. We had to meet NSW AS3959-1999 Level 1 requirements.
The bushfire assessment (simple self assessment, done by myself)…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
What to do if your building runs late

What did they say when you called them?
Were the things you want fixed noted in your pre handover inspection?
Don't bother going to fair trading or a lawyer.…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
return of unsigned contracts

What the... you haven't signed anything and have not received any goods or services, so what exactly is the bill for?

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Bamboo Flooring?

I wanted more colour choices than light and dark. So it was all about the looks for me. Ended up using mosowood.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Cost of higher ceilings

Doors are all standard heights and we got bricks above all the lintels but wasn't part of the 7k cost.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Cost of higher ceilings

Hi FMUS - We paid around 7K (I say around because we got an initial estimate based on 180m/sq house but ended up making it a bit bigger and not…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Copying Builders Plans - e.g. Metricon/Porter Davis

Hi Zac
If you are building a 'project' home, just bring your hand drawn sketches to your drafty and get them to start with that, wherever you may have gained inspiration.…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Project Home Access to Site During Build for own tradies

Nice post Miss.
Antho, I'd be very cautious about this, as your builder could blame any damage to the house on your contractors. If you are going to do this,…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
How is interest calculated on late progress payment?

Like I said, dumb question (I suck at math). Thanks, just wanted to check i was calculating it right.

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
How is interest calculated on late progress payment?

Hi All
A really dumb question, but please set my mind at ease because the contract does not give specific info re. interest calculation. With the below information, can you…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Best temporary driveway option for acreage

Hmm tricky one. Like Kiwi said why can't you do the one driveway for now and the future?
Your idea of compacted soil or similar sounds sensible if…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
different site cost quotes and good canberra builder

Hi Katie
Forget trying to compare site costs, it's impossible. Look at the total cost of the build. All builders seem to have a different definition of 'site costs'.…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
leftover bricks

Zeropoint, they would have taken them back to the brick place and got a refund for them so technically you should have got some $ refunded.
We only have a few…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Septic Choice - What did you choose?

Hi Lan
Envirocycle - above ground spray dispersal
Complete install (includes excavation) - $10K
Yearly service fee - $approx 360 (4 monthly)
annual running costs - ? like an extra fridge I'm led…

14 years14 yearskinesokineso posted:
Does a good building certifier cancel out a bad builder?

IMO the certifier is not going to do anything for you. You want a private inspector. Certifier checks major stuff against standards, whilst the inspector will do the…

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21 December 2009

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