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Joined 6 December 2022
Junior Member
25 d25 dkprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Yes you are. Don’t be afraid and as per your contract, send him notice that he will have to pay you damages.

1 year1 yearkprince077kprince077 posted:
Handover date

Yes house is ready. I might get my keys tomorrow. It is just the bloody builder who won’t give me any time till the very last moment.

1 year1 yearkprince077kprince077 posted:
Handover date

Hey people,
I need to ask you guys a question about my house has reached practical completion and I have paid the final payment, but builder still not giving me handover…

1 year1 yearkprince077kprince077 posted:
Handover and PCI same day??

Hey, I can see your post is quite old and here I have finished building house in 2023 in Narangba, Northside of Brisbane and my builder is also going to…

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Fingers crossed. My builder advised me verbally that he won’t be able to finish it this year and they will also be closed for one month which sucks . They…

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Thanks mate,
I spoke to the lawyer few days ago in Brisbane and he also verbally advised me that I should deduct liquidated damages from the final invoice. He said there…

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Hey mate, one more thing. Does my builder need to send me the notice that he needs more time to complete the build, as he has not and it’s been…

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Builder needs to apply time extension using qbcc form, but the special condition he has put into the contract is quiet ambiguous as per my solicitor, as it doesn’t state…

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Hey mate, my builder is with Master Builders, Queensland.

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Thanks mate. This is what I am thinking that I will take LDs out of his final payment. I still need to pay him $35000 for his final payment. So,…

2 years2 yearskprince077kprince077 posted:
liquidated damages

Hi all,
I need advice. I am building a single-storey 4 bedroom house on the northside of the Brisbane.
Commencement date: 13/03/22.
Completion period 255 days including public holidays, weekends and inclement…

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liquidated damages
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