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Joined 14 September 2007
Gold Member
4 years4 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Praise and Thank You

Hi Chippy!
Good to hear from you and that you weren't discouraged by the first time, which as the wise people say, always hurts. I sometimes wonder about all the bubus…

4 years4 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Praise and Thank You

11 years ago, while owner-building my house (viewtopic.php?f=38&t=9177), I chose Pacific Tapware as the supplier of water efficient taps for my new place. Over the years…

Praise and Thank You
  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
About to step off the edge......

I know, I know, this thread has grown quite stale, but I'm adding an update, for the sake of those few oldtimers that may be still hanging about this forum.

11 years11 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Replace Rain Bank? With what???

Not explicitly, but nobody mentioned a manual switchover, so the implied message was that I had to have a RainBank. Pity, I'm old fashioned and I'd rather have something simple…

11 years11 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Replace Rain Bank? With what???

Hello rain water gurus (I've seen a couple of them posting here)!
I've just fund out that my Rain Bank switch (Davey's) is mixing mains water with the water from the…

11 years11 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Replace Rain Bank? With what???

I have. I'm a pensioner and it all comes down to money in the end. Aquasaver sells for $460 and I'd need to buy an automatic pump controller for it…

11 years11 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
2 houses from 1 plan??

Hello World!
4 years ago I've owner-built a house using architect designed plans for which I paid a hefty fee. If I wanted to build another house, in a different…

12 years12 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Climbing a Tall Mountain

Hi Melissa,
I've had a very good look at E-L panels, but in the end I couldn't afford them. I wanted both light, well insulated construction and the thermal mass. That…

12 years12 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
About to step off the edge......

Hi Rob,
Nope, we're renting it to a pair of exceptional youngsters. Exceptional, 'cause they work hard, never party (at least not so we can hear it) and look very well…

12 years12 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
About to step off the edge......

Hard to believe, but we've been living in the new house for almost 2 years now. So, time for an update.
Well, I still haven't got down to painting the hardifence…

12 years12 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
1st time ob what a ride

Hi Shelley,
Had a peep at the realestate pics, you've done a wonderful job, I keep my fingers crossed, so you sell for 150% :).

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
How to multiplex the garden tap??

Hmmm, fitting that Y-piece and the taps is easier than fixing a leaking tap valve. I'm no plumber and doing that stuff in the pic took me less than 20…

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
How to multiplex the garden tap??

Thanks Kexkez, that's just what I wanted, but.... I've searched Bunnings in Morley for 1/2 hr, looking for it. The innocent young thing I've asked about it couldn't find it,…

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
How to multiplex the garden tap??

I need to mount two garden taps on a single mains outlet. I might have seen somewhere a brass Y-piece that would be perfect for that, but I can't find…

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Your Home

The problem as I see it isn't the conflict of sustainability with "luxury", appearances, etc, both can be achieved. It is with the people's priorities. Building "eco" can rise the…

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Your Home

One of the problems of our age is that people seldom look long term. They instead think of the re-sale price, when size, bells and whistles, looks and appearances are…

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Your Home

My impression is that OBs often start planning at least some sustainability in their dream homes. Then, as the reality checks, they start compromising and most often sustainability gets sacrificed…

13 years13 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Schloss am Meer .... ten weeks in!

Hi Kay,
Have you treated your shower screens and tiles with Nano-Coat?? It's a wonderful stuff, thanks to it our frameless shower looks like new after 8 months of use and…

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Online purchases - savings...

Ooops, should've put that together with plumbing stuff, got them off Ebay too. Seller called "Fantastic Imports", if I remember correctly.

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
About to step off the edge......

Been a while since I last posted. We've been living in the house for 10 months now and it's wonderful.
The work isn't yet finished though, I've just done hardscaping.
Sunken garden

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Online purchases - savings...

Saved a packet by buying frameless shower, handbasin, and pop-up wastes on Ebay. Got a good deal on ceiling and ventilation fans from Universal Fans. Saved a few dollars on…

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Modernising an Old Girl - We won a Heritage Award!

You may also recognise the Site toilet - I sourced that from kristofw (another regular on this forum) who recently completed his OB project not far from me.
Hi Rob!
Great to…

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
About to step off the edge......

Hi Kat,
I've been very busy for the last 3 months making over my old house for rent and I haven't done much around the new one, so no need for…

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Schloss am Meer .... ten weeks in!

Look at the bright side Kay, your appliances and fittings are still there and the jokers haven't trashed the place.
Is there anything on the Owner builder ride we havent…

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Schloss am Meer .... ten weeks in!

I've got a couple of identical hopper windows. Aren't those PVC windows great!
Congrats on your progress!

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
Chippy's Build. We're in! Not finished, but almost.

Hi Chippy!
Congrats on the progress. I keep promising myself to pop in and have a look around when passing by, but am sooooo busy making over the old place for…

14 years14 yearskristofwkristofw posted:
1st time ob what a ride

Hi Shelley,
I'd say it's quite reasonable. Knocking it together should be a breeze for you guys by now.



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