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Joined 22 October 2009
Gold Member
10 years10 yearsLexLex posted:
Pavers covering weep holes Is This Normal?

I doubt the termite people would be impressed with this. Assuming you do have some kind of a termite barrier / protection built / installed as part of your house…

10 years10 yearsLexLex posted:
The Story of Stormy's Castle. *Loooooong overdue update*

Gorgeous, Stormy! I still remember you doing that brand new desk in blue :) ... Anyway, I think your house should be renamed to Dreamy Castle…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
VCAT, owner wins damages for garage slab heave!


11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Protecting your Slab

Yes, we deifintely have a waffle pod slab, on top of piers. Site was cut and fill, approx. 350mm each, mid line somewhere in the middle of the house.

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
VCAT, owner wins damages for garage slab heave!

Wow! From what you said, seems like a long time passed between the concreting job and when the owner first noticed issues! Funny how the concretor tried to pin the…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Wet Grout

Probably not what you have, but my 2c.
I thought your grout looks a little bit like the old style "grout" for floors (or as my builder labelled it -…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
VCAT, owner wins damages for garage slab heave!

Brilliant !!!! :: :: :: ::

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Patio / Alfresco Cover ?

Wow, I really like it. Actually, love it! Colours and all! Didn't read the whole thread, just the title caught my attentino as we are still to build our pergola…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

As long as the "stiffer bitumen impregnated join material" is flexible. Must not be rigid, or become rigid with time.

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
oil based primer on gyprock?

So now you have to use oil based paint on ceilings!!!?! :shock: :th:

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Camelia troubles

Are they in the same soil, how far apart are they? Same side of fence, same aspect, same conditions?
Have you inspected very closely for borers? They could be…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

"I am not sure whether my husband and I are just fussier than most and as a result have unrealistic expectations of the quality of our build. Everytime a stage…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Is there a scientific name for this clay type? And do we know where in Aus mainly these clay types are?
Or do you mean the broad term "reactive" clay?

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
wet travertine patio

How big is the area? It could be better in the long run if you lay some slab underneath if it's not too big.
If you put some plastic, I…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
4 years post build - have discovered faulty RCDs

What's RCD?

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Leaks during construction?

My godness, you would think there would be some standard in relation of what need to be completed by what stage of the build. This house seems to be at…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Show me your Tallowwood Floor

Have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=25104&start=240
Be aware that usually tallowwood will have some other timber type in the mix (a smaller proportion), I can't remember…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Who is responsible for this? UPDATE for those interested....

In the absence of "Like" buttons on H1, have to say I LIKE what qebtel wrote :)

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Who is responsible for this? UPDATE for those interested....

"And it doesn't seem fair to have to spend $15000 retaining their garden, when we were not involved in the building of it in the first place." - and he…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
How to resolve a paving level problem

Glad to hear that you at least have a path to the street s/water!

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
How to get a water leak fixed by builder (under warranty)

The system, when translated into practice, seems to have been designed to work against the consumer.
Good that you provided the update! Whereabouts was the leak? Under the actual house…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Gaps between brick and window? Is this bad?

Hey, don't worry about it. We had the mother of all gaps (35-40mm!), AND on our beautiful FRONT facade, but now I have to remind myself to look for it…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
House creaking during strong winds

What is "horizontal shearing"?
Our house also makes scary noises, but it sort of stopped (almost) or at least lessened in the last 6 months or so. Prior to that,…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
How to resolve a paving level problem

Ah, ok! :oops:
The pit is for sewage o/f only. I just glanced at it and assumed it's for stormwater. :roll:

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
How to resolve a paving level problem

I have no idea about the design itself, but just a few very minor thoughts (comments and corrections welcome if appropriate!).
Does the overflow pipe need to gently slope towards…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
What sort of lawn grass is this?

Anna, why are you asking the question? Do you plan to get rid of them anyway?
To figure the sort, I would like to see how does it look like…

11 years11 yearsLexLex posted:
Who is responsible for this? UPDATE for those interested....

Exactly my thoughts! And a good point - where was the mandatory drainage for this "retaining wall"? To think that someone would pile up about 1.5m soil against someone else's…

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