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58 Posts
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Joined 2 September 2008
Loyal Member
16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removal of aircon unit

I certainly will. I bags him first though!!
He is coming back to me this week because (yes, it is a silly and not cost effective sentimental idea but.…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removal of aircon unit

Is that going to work with a double brick house though?

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removing tiles

And you're sending the bill to James Hardie & Co right???

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removing tiles

re checking out asbestos and asbestos containing products in old houses in Perth. I have contacted a local company who have advised me "YES ASBESTOS WAS USED IN THE MAKING…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Bizarre(?) Idea re tiles

A company came in to quote on bathroom fixture recoating/refinishing and they do wall tiles with a 5 year guarantee and do floor tiles too but with only a two…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removal of aircon unit

Information so far, although I am still waiting for the final details. Getting rid of the air con was fairly easy as it is still going and I advertised it…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removal of aircon unit

Well, I have answered my own question! Firstly I have disposed of the old air conditioner via Freecycle and secondly I rang a guy who had done an excellent job…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Bizarre(?) Idea re tiles

Oh I wish I still had that option of tiling over! I have done a really DUMB thing and had new security doors fitted, so as this floor leads…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Bizarre(?) Idea re tiles

OK here goes. I have small mosaic ceramic tiles throughout my wet areas and I fully realise that they are naff, outdated, unfashionable etc which bothers me not at all.…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Patio - Gable versus flat roof

Thank you everyone. Yes, Steve I think you get what I was trying (not very effectively!) to say. The heat isn't my problem - if it were I would move…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Carpet measurement Calculations

Bless you! A man that explains in pictures! Thank you I think I get it now. I figured that like dress fabric, carpet has a "grain" as well and you…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Cupboard Range - Where To Purchase

Well, I appear to have found them. They are a Mitre10 line and come RTA in flatpacks. They seem to be what I had in mind so worth a…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Synthetic Turf Installation...lots of pics!!

Thank you for that information. The plants are beautiful and the link gave lots of information - now to find a local stockist! I imagine that they would grow well…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Synthetic Turf Installation...lots of pics!!

The ones in picture six I mean!

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Synthetic Turf Installation...lots of pics!!

Off the topic but please could you tell me what are those beautiful pale mauve flowers in the garden?

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Cupboard Range - Where To Purchase

This sort of didn't fit in any other section.. .
I am trying to find out where in Perth I would find the range of those fairly common, standard white melamine…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:

Just wondering if there has been any development re availability of this product/service or something similar outside of Queensland? Silly question I suppose as I am in Western Australia (you…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Carpet measurement Calculations

I am having a blonde or seniors moment - or both! In very simple terms can someone explain for me how I calculate requirements for carpeting a room when the…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Wool or Synth Carpet

Actually yes - to sink through sometimes and hide from the kids! Speaking of which, that little dustpan sucker in the wall thingy - the mind boggles at what my…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Wool or Synth Carpet

No kidding, she used to sweep the floor and put it all down the hole.
Excuse me but are you suggesting that there's something wrong with that???

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Patio - Gable versus flat roof

Other than your point about being "closed in" which is quite valid there is maybe some difference in terms of lightblocking?
As I am in perth, the more light blocked…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Patio - Gable versus flat roof

I am replacing an existing patio. I had in mind a similar style - flat roof but extending out a lot further. Can't remember now exactly but I think it…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Removal of aircon unit

I have just acquired 2x 3.5HP split system reverse cycle units. One I want to go into the living room (haven't decided where to put the other yet). I have…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Email Notification Follow Up

Actually when you are undertaking renovation work etc I would not find the occasional profanity "odd" at all!
Thanks for the explanation though. I thought maybe I had stumbled…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Email Notification Follow Up

I could get a bit paranoid here!! Further to my post about the weird error message I got an email notifying of an answer to my post, but when…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Internal Doors Repairs

Sorry I have been a while responding to the suggestions which are much appreciated. I have decided to go with new doors (the "puddy tat" has left home/grown up…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Internal Doors Repairs

Sorry I have been a while responding to the suggestions which are much appreciated. I have decided to go with new doors (the "puddy tat" has left home/grown up…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Changing hinged door to sliding

Yes, me too but to replace the door from the hall to the "walk thru" laundry - which is more of a sideways shuffle at present. I was thinking of…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
Changing hinged door to sliding

Yes, me too but to replace the door from the hall to the "walk thru" laundry - which is more of a sideways shuffle at present. I was thinking of…

16 years16 yearslilianlilian posted:
In-shower mirrors…

Matt you're the answer to a maiden's prayer! Now tell me where I might find them and I might even remember you in my will! I am in WA…

Joined homeone
2 September 2008

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